85.6k Leehopard Comments

  • Why is the Mods section under “Stuff?” 3.6 years ago

    mods are human being not stuff!!!

  • Simple Planes, SR2 and the Way Ahead 5.7 years ago

    I agree with you completely, especially the first way. Even if jundroo starts a new profit model that sells DLCs or huge updates like any other game, I'm ready to open my wallet. I played this game over thousands hours and it's still the most favorite and absorbing game. But I just spent only a few dollars for this game.... It's unfair to developers.

  • Textured fuselage mod coming soon... 4.2 years ago

    leave it for devs


    Durability of the landing gear has proven

  • Yaw in VR? 3.3 years ago

    using controller thumbstick

  • You’re overthinking how to make your plane fly realistically in SP. Like, heaps (maybe) 5.1 years ago

    completely agreed. wing position and loading is very important index to determine flight characteristics, but many builders underrates or ignores it. I've used that method for a long time, it always makes satisfying flight model.

    I reminisce about flight model of il-2 or LOMAC series when making mine(because that I'm not real pilot), the method makes it easier to create a feelings similar to these games.

    however, sometimes, too 'simulationic' model is very hard to fly with keyboard, unlike flight stick or mouse control. so it would be better consider keyboard players.

  • Hyundai Elantra AD 2017 one year ago

    (This player is conscripted into the Korean military)

  • Disqualified Pencil 1.4 years ago

    @MrCOPTY Anyway, this is in accord with the rules of the challenge. but only ONE block and many panels were used.

  • AI B-52H 2.0 years ago

    This plane causes framedrop despite its small parts count. It's okay when spawn only one or two, but if spawn more than three, severe framedrops occur(tested alt randomized version and original, both causes framedrop).
    I think because it uses too many variables. It seems that it could be better if you give up stabilization by real-time variables(similar to FBW) and use a slightly simpler control method.

  • Challenge: 1,000 points to the first three to complete this…in VR! 3.3 years ago

    Am I late??

  • New vs Old [TEASER] 4.2 years ago

    Cool, Peach

  • Il-2 NS-37 4.9 years ago

    @CoolPeach @CenturiVonKikie In fact, it's not exactly P-Factor. It's just engine torque effect. There are not enough inputs in SP, it's hard to assign rudder and roll trimming while cruising, so I didn't simulate P-Factor.

  • The SP map is BAD and NEEDS an UPDATE!!! 5.0 years ago

    I like wright. the bayside, great plain, ridges... but the trenches... are awful

  • Ball turret: Is there a way to use the funky trees? 5.3 years ago

    maybe it's possible by using missiles

  • Easy way to Carrier Landing 5.3 years ago

    @CruzerBlade @Yeetflightgamer
    Transparent sample, fixed wobbling on ground

    needs 2axis, aligned to cockpit, hinge or rotator input (## is range of your rotator)
    clamp(AngleOfAttack/##, -clamp01(floor(GS/10)), clamp01(floor(GS/10))
    clamp(AngleOfSlip/##, -clamp01(floor(GS/10)), clamp01(floor(GS/10))

  • F/A-87 Filibuster 5.6 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot I didn't want to make my plane fly like a UFO.
    Wing area and location is identical to the actual geometry, there are no hidden wings except the tiny ones for the Flap effect*. I thought it is not realistic if I use hidden wings to force the CoL to move back or decrease wing loading. It might be hard to fly it with keyboard or gamepad(or touchscreen), because those input devices aren't delicate as flight stick or mouse. I'm using stick and mouse, so I build and tested it with them.

    *SP physics will calculate each surface separately If custom surface is used, so it is not possible to create a lift for the entire wing when using Flap. So I put small wings inside nose for compensate nose down effect caused when Flaps are down.

  • About me and why I feel bad 6.0 years ago

    Do art.

    oh, you're already doing it in your builds.

  • Ai Chasing Ai 1.4 years ago

    Police tried to prevent the suspect from committing suicide, but failed.

  • Fc-912C 3.3 years ago

    @Titaninfernal1 @MrShenanigans @X99STRIKER @BeastHunter @Dathcha @LarryTad

  • Ocean mod is available now. 4.3 years ago

    ooga booga

  • Kawanishi KX-5: Happy new Year 2020! 5.2 years ago

    how to takeoff?

  • I've fallen in love with the funky trees... 5.3 years ago

    clamp(PitchAngle * PitchAngle * PitchAngle / #, -1, 1)
    # for proper natural number to fit your plane
    much less flapping

  • de Havilland Sea Vane 1.3 years ago

    @HariTheSnakk The engine power is intended to be close to the real thing. No fighter in operation until now can take off vertically while fully armed and fuel-filled.

  • F-112 Delta Spear 1.3 years ago

    @Wallaby You're right. A landing gear with multiple wheels placed in series is usually tilted forward or not. But when I started building this plane's landing gear, the reference was from the Su-34. and I could find a Su-34's picture of the landing gear tilted back(maybe for additional shock absorbtion? idk). It looks 'cool' and I made this like that.

  • bristol f2b 1.9 years ago

    Here's a version with some fixes and details. Please Feel free to use this to Update your XML. I'm looking forward to your next build.


    Flight model
    Gunner and Autopilot function
    (Pitch&Roll to aim, Yaw to roll)
    (Tried to fix the scale accurately, but FT got an error)


    Engine startup and knocking sound
    Fuel-cutting effect when negative G
    Propwash steering
    Prop torque effect
    Some cockpit details

  • Lunsor Seajumper OM.1 2.0 years ago

    I love the unique design. It feels like it just popped out from Miyazaki Hayao's film. Many cute details feel like toys I used to play with as a kid.

  • AI B-52H 2.0 years ago

    edit variable dalt,
    from 6000
    to smooth((round(repeat(Time*100,100))*100)+2000,smooth(LandingGear,1)=1?0:99999)
    and it will cruise at random(2000~12000m) altitude

  • AI B-52H 2.0 years ago

    It would be even better if it climb to a random altitude and cruise.

  • Fc-912C 2.7 years ago

    the radar using variables of PlanariaLab's 1Part HUD. you should copy its variables too.
    and... dirty code is not intended, just I'm bad at coding.

  • some funky tree techs 4.3 years ago


  • Flightmodel Flutter 1.9 5.0 years ago

    @Hardstylelover please check the connections, you should attach it manually.
    in order of aircraft - red hinge - yellow hinge - weight.
    or if your aircraft is too heavy, increase mass of the weight.

  • F-413B Orca 5.0 years ago

    @adeleteduser KAI T-50

  • Build Trailer Challenge (Cash Prize) 5.0 years ago

    I'll bet on @MisterT

  • Open Wheel Chassis 5.1 years ago

    @Pulkit yes
    @Mustangflyer okay

  • I've fallen in love with the funky trees... 5.3 years ago

    Looks like we need a PID controller...
    or just use floor to ignore decimal Input value and give damper multiplier

  • Rally Chassis 5.4 years ago

    @DaKraken When I was in university, I participated in design at club for Formula-SAE competitions. That's when I studied.

  • Vought F8U-2NE (F-8E) Crusader 5.5 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx @JohnnyBoythePilot
    the main 'wing part' of my build is actually in the tilting wing structure. and that scaled small wing in the nose is just for trim and flap compensation. even without it, changing incidence angle is still effective.

    ineffective roll problem is caused by flaperon's high AoA when the flaps in down position, and the variable incidence wing makes it worse. The same issue happened to my build. I solved it using tailerons for aid roll control.

  • How do I make a turret stabilization? 5.5 years ago


  • Ka-919 (FG) 5.7 years ago

    @Drobot432 using hidden vtol nozzle for yaw and rotor tip vtol nozzle for rotor spinning.
    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck sure

  • Drawing contest (SWAGDADDYS ART SHOW [Closed]) 5.8 years ago

    I'm very much looking forward to MisterT's entry

  • Air Defence Challenge RESULTS 1 5.8 years ago

    It is very honorable to me, and every other builds deserve it. It would have been really challenging to evaluate each of the more than 70 works. Thanks for your effort.

  • F-413B Orca 6.0 years ago

    @Hyattorama now I use my rotor when I just play, because I'm more familiar with it. New rotor parts have many possibilities, so my next builds will be made using new rotors.

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.9 years ago

    proof 2 : eng wikipedia about ROK Army Equipment just 600 helicopters.
    proof 3 : article about Korean army service 21 month for Army (I can say that 23 month for Navy and 24 for Airforce)
    proof 4 : korean source dead pilots are 최필영 대위(capt. philyeong, choi) aged 29, Airforce Academy 59th class(graduated 2011), 890 flight hours, 박기훈 중위(1st lt. kihoon, park) aged 27, ROTC 41st class(graduated 2014), 280 flight hours. mattangi said he enlisted just few month ago.

  • Realistic cannon 7.2 years ago

    Connect block and bomb to detacher separatly, parallel connections, NOT series connection. it probably need xml editing. when fires the weapon, everything that connected to detacher will detached. (it's hard to explain, cause I'm not an english speaker) here's xml lines for 1 shell.

    <Connection partA="DETACHER" partB="BODY" attachPointsA="1" attachPointsB="2" />
    <Connection partA="BOMB" partB="DETACHER" attachPointsA="0" attachPointsB="0" />
    <Connection partA="BLOCK" partB="DETACHER" attachPointsA="0" attachPointsB="0" />

  • F-112 Delta Spear one year ago

    @FlyingPatriot It's okay!

  • Fc-912C 1.2 years ago

    @Vikram123 okay

  • Sukhoi 1.3 years ago

    @Th3Missil3 No, this plane is broken after SP update.

  • F-112 Delta Spear 1.3 years ago

    @L3FT2R1GHT Maybe a site bug? After I updated xml.. Actual cost is around 2000

  • Cam Drone Pro 1.5 years ago

    GUI를 만드셨군요 추천

  • Fc-912C 2.9 years ago

    That's all right. Because I am not an English speaker, I don't know the difference in subtle nuance.

    You can take it and use it if you need it.
