@RandomDisplay I have remove android version from google drive. But i see the last android version in downloads of the mod in this page, it hidden now. I see it, but i cant download it from site. For this reason, i cant give you android version
@superTT On this site developers and moderators have spesical titles: moderators with red MOD title and developers with blue DEV title. It is be cool if modmakers will have their special title too.
@JakoTheSloth When android mod support for SimplePlanes have stopped. the users still could download tracks 2 mod for old game version. I have writed in the mod description that mod work only on android game of OLD VERSION. I have no deleted this android mod, because i wanted that users can downgrade android version of game and get pleasure with tracks 2 on android. But users began ask me why this mod dont work on android (because it work only in old game version). After this i have deleted android verison of mod, that android users will not feel cheated.
@Wellidowner No, this mod will never fixed. This mod is very old and outdated. And the basic skeleton of the wing are unsuccessfull, because the simplewing are not mirroring relative Y axis (like stock wing). I know about this mistake, but this mistake in the process of creating of mod was not obviously for me. But not worry, i have a plans about the creating SimpleWing 2 mod, it will be fusion of the SimpleWing mod and Variable wing mod. I dont mean about fact fusion outdated simplewing and outdated variable wing, im talking about new mod with normal code (Now im coding better that 3 years ago). But its just a plans, at the moment im creating drag parachute mod (you can see the pictures on forum).
@hanomag250 Maybe after engine mod i will become to create big update of tracks. I dont promise that you will can set a number of wheels. But physics will be improved. And of course, many different models of wheels.
@jamesPLANESii Suspension spring, damper, engine power. Maybe track friction will be adjistable. But count of wheels are not adjustable for this moment. But, tank track can be scaled.
@AlexRol05 This is a SimpleWings mod
This mod is broken now. Some users write that this mod craches the game. This mod contains many outdated parts. Only SimpleWIng part works correct, you can see it on the gifs.
@PlaneFlightX Sorry, but i cant do it. I dont want to mislead users. You have not relation to creating of this mod, for this reason i cant add you as contributor. If you have any advices to description, you can write it and i will consider them.
When you export game aircraft, you export .obj, .mtl and .png files. If you drag them all in your project, then your .obj files will have same colors like in game.
@FlyingPatriot Work is progress. Block functionality is completely ready, now im creating textures. Camo will be, at least one. I want 3 additional camo, in result should be 4 color in block. I have no tested it in game, but in Unity it work. Other 3 camo will work too i think. At i want add something interesting too. I dont want to announcement it, because i didnt test it even in unity.
You can create some…control terminals with switches in some place of map. Switches must have a colliders. These switches will change parameters of your clouds. This switches look like switches in Gestour instrumentation mod. Maybe @Gestour can give to you more information about work mouse cursor and screen rays.
I don't now is this code are work. I only show to you direction of work: name Switch1 and Switch2 must be in quotes
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Terminal : MonoBehaviour
Camera Active_camera;
bool current_state_of_switch1 = false;
bool current_state_of_switch2 = false;
void Update()
//Active camera;
Camera Active_camera = Camera.current;
//if user press left mouse button
RaycastHit hit;
//Ray go from camera
Ray ray = Active_camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if(Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit))
//Ray have detected something object with collider
Transform some_object = hit.transform;
if(some_object.gameObject.name == Switch1)
//Change the state of switch1;
current_state_of_switch1 = !current_state_of_switch1;
if (some_object.gameObject.name == Switch2 )
//Change the state of switch2;
current_state_of_switch2 = !current_state_of_switch2;
//The clouds are big, for example
//The clouds are small
if (current_state_of_switch2 == true)
//Clouds are high
//clouds are low
The airplanes what you create are bright and beautiful and their have about 300 parts. This mean that most of players can download it and play with pleasure. For these reasons i think your crafts one of the bests in simpleplanes.
Humanoid mechs(and other walker crafts) work very bad because friction of gaming parts very small. The legs of the mech can not push off from ground by the reason of small friction.
@DeathStalker627 Shh, it's a secret:) In fact, Tracks 3 now have only one wheel from T-80. I have not begin create it yet. My roadmap - Drag Parachute (completed) => Turret Control 2 => SimpleWings 2 => Tracks 3.
@RandomDisplay I have remove android version from google drive. But i see the last android version in downloads of the mod in this page, it hidden now. I see it, but i cant download it from site. For this reason, i cant give you android version
+27It is really funny to read comments about updating mod for Android after more that ONE YEAR of removing android support.
+12Im happy to read apolitical position of Jundroo. In my opinion, this is the only right position for game developers.
+10@superTT On this site developers and moderators have spesical titles: moderators with red MOD title and developers with blue DEV title. It is be cool if modmakers will have their special title too.
+7@Zoomzoom999 Tessemi have adviced this to me and show me, how i can it do. May be i will try to create this mod.
+7Impossible to start creating mod in Unity 2020.3.26f1 with last ModTools.
+6Error: Image
This error appears every time when i press "Start creating mod"
@FlyingPatriot In v1.12.121 (Beta) - Yes. scroll your mouse wheel in 1st view.
+6They should add textures to relevant look of new modded blocks
+6@Chancey21 Yes, and surfaces
+6@EngineerOtaku i have tagged you on closed page. You already can download mod if you want:)
+6@JakoTheSloth When android mod support for SimplePlanes have stopped. the users still could download tracks 2 mod for old game version. I have writed in the mod description that mod work only on android game of OLD VERSION. I have no deleted this android mod, because i wanted that users can downgrade android version of game and get pleasure with tracks 2 on android. But users began ask me why this mod dont work on android (because it work only in old game version). After this i have deleted android verison of mod, that android users will not feel cheated.
+5@DameTheMobileFriendly Android not support anymore.
+5It be cool if developers begin add player's carriers in game.
+5@Blueshift Thanks. Unfortunately, this mod turned out to be useless. Too hard to use by players.
+4After 3 years after release tracks 2 builders still use it:) Nice to see
+4It is awesome that building on beach are destroyable. This map shows to us the gameplay is possible in SimplePlanes.
+4@Wellidowner No, this mod will never fixed. This mod is very old and outdated. And the basic skeleton of the wing are unsuccessfull, because the simplewing are not mirroring relative Y axis (like stock wing). I know about this mistake, but this mistake in the process of creating of mod was not obviously for me. But not worry, i have a plans about the creating SimpleWing 2 mod, it will be fusion of the SimpleWing mod and Variable wing mod. I dont mean about fact fusion outdated simplewing and outdated variable wing, im talking about new mod with normal code (Now im coding better that 3 years ago). But its just a plans, at the moment im creating drag parachute mod (you can see the pictures on forum).
+4@SAD000001 The mod version 1.0. I dont remember version game for it mod. Now it not work for android.
+4Wow! Awesome! Cant wait when i can run this mod on my Android phone!!!
+4@Ian_Yashima Mod was updated. Please read the update description and check your tanks.
+4@toxicgamer88 i could joke something like "after support tracks 2 for ios", but im scared that non-pc users can really believe in this.
+4Too much
+4Im become very happy when see that people use simplewing mod:) Thanks for it
+4@Tessemi See you later, in other game:)
+4@Kimcotupan15 @MontyPython For some reason android version, when i trying to save this mod, was broken. Of course, i will try to fix it.
+4@DeathStalker627 This mod will not update anymore, because i'm creating tracks 2.
+4Отлично, как и всегда
+4@hanomag250 Maybe after engine mod i will become to create big update of tracks. I dont promise that you will can set a number of wheels. But physics will be improved. And of course, many different models of wheels.
+4@jamesPLANESii Suspension spring, damper, engine power. Maybe track friction will be adjistable. But count of wheels are not adjustable for this moment. But, tank track can be scaled.
+4@NoOne123 The dirt words of android slaves no cares pc masters
+3@EnzoDiazUnofficial Its not just a drag parachute. This is a drag parachute from Su-27 / Su-30 family.
+3@AlexRol05 This is a SimpleWings mod
+3This mod is broken now. Some users write that this mod craches the game. This mod contains many outdated parts. Only SimpleWIng part works correct, you can see it on the gifs.
@AndrewGarrison Thanks!
+3Wow, why are you took roof tiles and attach it to your tank as armor
+3@PlaneFlightX I have consider most part of your advices. The description has been edited. Tutorial have been moved to tutorial wing. Thank you!
+3@PlaneFlightX Sorry, but i cant do it. I dont want to mislead users. You have not relation to creating of this mod, for this reason i cant add you as contributor. If you have any advices to description, you can write it and i will consider them.
+3Im really happy to see that users still use Tracks 2 :)
+3When you export game aircraft, you export .obj, .mtl and .png files. If you drag them all in your project, then your .obj files will have same colors like in game.
+3@FlyingPatriot Work is progress. Block functionality is completely ready, now im creating textures. Camo will be, at least one. I want 3 additional camo, in result should be 4 color in block. I have no tested it in game, but in Unity it work. Other 3 camo will work too i think. At i want add something interesting too. I dont want to announcement it, because i didnt test it even in unity.
+3@MrAdhmGamer Im stuck on one problem. I cant say the release date.
+3@whitewolf i have fixed it. This mod will be in android format too. Work in progress:)
+3You can create some…control terminals with switches in some place of map. Switches must have a colliders. These switches will change parameters of your clouds. This switches look like switches in Gestour instrumentation mod. Maybe @Gestour can give to you more information about work mouse cursor and screen rays.
I don't now is this code are work. I only show to you direction of work:
name Switch1 and Switch2 must be in quotes
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Terminal : MonoBehaviour
+3@sheepsblood Oh. May be it can gladden you : now i am creating SimpleWings mod.
+3With customizable aerodinamycs:
The airplanes what you create are bright and beautiful and their have about 300 parts. This mean that most of players can download it and play with pleasure. For these reasons i think your crafts one of the bests in simpleplanes.
+3More rotators mass => more rotators powerful. It is the only way at the moment.
+3Humanoid mechs(and other walker crafts) work very bad because friction of gaming parts very small. The legs of the mech can not push off from ground by the reason of small friction.
+3@Aer0User Happy to see the player that understand this, thanks.
+2@MRLATTSOO Press on button "PC / Mac", in opened window press on "Download" button, and download mod from Google Drive in next opened window.
+2@DeathStalker627 Shh, it's a secret:) In fact, Tracks 3 now have only one wheel from T-80. I have not begin create it yet. My roadmap - Drag Parachute (completed) => Turret Control 2 => SimpleWings 2 => Tracks 3.