302 NewBohemia Comments

  • The New Republic of SimpleLandia 6.6 years ago

    We respect your nation and would like to restore the ties that our past regimes had in between them.
    The People's Republic of New Bohemia, previously the Principality of New Bohemia, is still the same entity as before, with the same interests and world view.
    We are aware that outsiders are not familiar with the inside events that ultimately led to the civil war and reformation of the governments, and will soon release a detailed report explaining the situation.

  • BA-51 Spectre 7.0 years ago


  • Derek's lifehack #1 6.1 years ago

    @DerekSP why

  • Derek's lifehack #1 6.1 years ago

    @DerekSP are you DerekSP?

  • Bohemian Airlines Expo #2 6.1 years ago

    @DerekSP The People's Republic of New Bohemia will be able to provide assets required for the exposition, even though we are disappointed that you separated the Skychaser Company from our nation completely.

  • (RP) Recent history of New Bohemia, and current events 6.1 years ago

    @Aarons123 The Bohemian Defence Alliance has been a thing of the past for a long time now. The member states have betrayed our trust, resulting in the dissolution of BDA. We can, however, establish new trade routes on our behalf. During the time we were quiet, we invested a lot into our own space program and have sufficient technology for interplanetary resource transport.

  • Simple notifications (update #2) 6.6 years ago

    Give me secks

  • Simple notifications (update #2) 6.6 years ago

    U sucks lol

  • Final call for Simple Airways flight 1337 to Wright Isles 6.6 years ago

    And last test I promise

  • SA Razor Missile Pod 6.6 years ago

    Another test

  • SA Razor Missile Pod 6.6 years ago


  • SA Razor Missile Pod 6.6 years ago


  • (RP) Bombing aftermath 6.6 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 although we do realize that we are no longer the regime you were allied with, we seek the help of SimpleLandia through these difficult times. We are still a sovereign nation and our economic situation prior to the bombings has reached it's peak. If you help us, we will provide you with the same resources as before, and will establish trade and passenger routes.

  • (RP) Bombing aftermath 6.6 years ago


  • (RP) Situation in New Bohemia stabilized 6.6 years ago

    @DerekSP For the first time are we truly independent and caring about our people. We still respect you as the CEO of Skychaser Aerospace, but you are no longer able to directly control the government.

  • DerekSP/CZ is gone now. 6.9 years ago

    @ForeverPie @Jetpackturtle @ScreamingApe I'm sorry, seems like I'm posting at a wrong time. I was not reading other forums as I am currently prettty busy myself, and I was not aware of the mattangi thing. I am not claiming to be someone else, and if derek wants, he can make a response to this, but I doubt it

  • (RP) New Bohemia is looking for aircraft. 6.9 years ago

    @Jengstrom A new fighter code named 'Vulture II' is currently being developed. We hope it will be able to stand up against the competition unlike the rest of our fleet...

  • (RP) New Bohemia is looking for aircraft. 6.9 years ago

    @ThePilotDude negative, we are not in a need of ground transports as most of our logistics happens in the air

  • (RP) New Bohemia is looking for aircraft. 6.9 years ago

    @BaconEggs we need to make the money somewhere...

  • Simplelandia is safe once more 6.9 years ago

    We will not tolerate such aggressive behavior.
    As far as our knowledge goes, the Snowstone was under control of the NAS who were good allies of Simplelandia.
    We will impose heavy sanctions at any trade directed between our nations until the situation gets sorted out.
    Our main drone sir force unit has been scrambled and is on a non-stop watch around our airspace.

  • (RP) Bohemian Airlines Expo #1 - Report + screenshots 6.9 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 if you do, please notify me in advance so I can provide a plane in a special livery or something like that

  • (RP) Our statement... 7.0 years ago

    @Botfinder We're not denying existence of other options. However, we do not believe the danger that we'd put ourselves in would be worth the conflict with no useful outcome. We are, however, developing a new, aerial mass-destruction system. And, after its completion, we may reevaluate the situation...

  • (RP) Our statement... 7.0 years ago

    @Botfinder Yes. We are aware of the controversial bombing of the Cobra on the Kruolan land, but in that situation, it was the only possible exit point from the conflict. We ourselves have started to develop nuclear weapons only to deal with the Cobra, and without the bombing taking place, the war could have grown even bigger with enormous losses on both sides.

  • (RP) Our statement... 7.0 years ago

    @Botfinder we are not yet prepared to join any alliance in the current war. We had a good relationship with SimpleLandia so far, and we do not see any reason why it should be attacked.

  • SimpleLandia is at War. Again (UPDATED II) 7.0 years ago

    After an analysis of enemy forces, we have concluded that the largest threat will be their navy and artillery.
    Due to current political events in our country, we won't be able to help directly, but we are in a process of developing new anti-naval aircraft. We will export them for your air force to use.

  • Trade deals 7.0 years ago

    We have rolled out the first prototype and will start manufacturing shortly. You can expect the first delivery in couple days. The plane is completely unmanned, it can either be controlled by its on-board computer or remotely from ground base.

  • Trade deals 7.0 years ago

    Coincidentally, we are currently developing a new unmanned propfan AWACS aircraft with exceptional flight performance. Its propfan configuration will give it characteristics superior to turboprop.
    After we manufacture enough for our own air force, we will be able to manufacture more to be sold.
    Please, specify how many such aircraft would you require.

  • (RP) New Bohemia Times #5 7.0 years ago

    @Ethological BDA is not a sovereign entity by itself, and has no military assets. It only ensures that member nations will support each other in non-military ways.
    We would of course gladly accept if you wanted to join the BDA.

  • The Kingdom of Tinland 7.0 years ago

    @Stellarlabs that is negative, sir. BDA differs from other alliances in a sense that its members do not have to share military assets or diplomatic behavior.

  • The Kingdom of Tinland 7.0 years ago

    We, the Principality of New Bohemia, would like to formally invite you to our recently established Bohemian Defense Alliance (BDA) which ensures humanitarian aid to nations in case of armed conflict or natural disasters.
    The only joining condition is opening your airspace to civilian flights between New Bohemia and the Kingdom of Tinland.

  • The Micro Nation Of Riley Island 7.0 years ago

    We'd like to formally invite you to join the Bohemian Defense Alliance, which ensures humanitarian aid in case of armed conflicts or natural disaster.
    In return, we'd expect you to grant our civilian aircraft to establish routes between New Bohemia and Riley Island.

  • (RP) New Bohemia to offer trade to SimpleLandia 7.0 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 @TheNotNewGuy

  • (RP) War has ended 7.0 years ago

    @Wahoo12 Iron Sky 2, coming this year

  • In Loving Memory (RP) 7.0 years ago

    We would like a confirmation that you no longer need our air support fleets and that we can retreat them back to our territory.

  • (RP) First nuclear bomb test carried out by New Bohemia 7.0 years ago

    @communisticbanana sadly, I have to inform you that our current production lines are not capable of such a high output, and we still have to manufacture the Vaporizers for ourselves. We will, however, consider a production rate increase and will inform you in case it goes through

  • A surrender 7.0 years ago

    @CobraCommand Even though we are not in a formal alliance with the SimpleLandia, we will retaliate if any further conflict shall occur. However, we are open for any diplomatic solution to solve the problem without any more destruction.

  • (RP) First nuclear bomb test carried out by New Bohemia 7.0 years ago

    @BobDaBilder123 we've received your order and added it to BA's order book. You can expect first deliveries in couple weeks after we make enough bombers for our own air force

  • German Tornado shot down in The Cobra War (RP) 7.0 years ago

    We are in a shock that the Cobra was able to drive their forces so close to our allied territory.
    As a result, our focus has been shifted to development of our first nuclear-capable bomber.
    We will not tolerate any kind of Cobra presence near our territory or the Wright Isles.
    We will also send a squadron of fifty BA-11 ground attack aircraft to help you on the front lines.

  • New Bohemia is *not* joining the war 7.0 years ago

    We appreciate that, and can ensure You that in case of Cobra attack against Bohemia we will retaliate using all available assets

  • New Bohemia is *not* joining the war 7.0 years ago


  • BA-11 'Protector' 7.0 years ago

    no u