you may set the calculateDrag to false in all blocks except one, this will help you a lot to reduce the lag in big builds (part count doesnt care too much)
also create a ramp in the end of the runway helps to land for that grip thing
@Kerbango i have in mind to search and transform some damage textures from the gta san andreas, because that are actually low detailed and transparent, i have to transform that from txd to png
@LunarEclipseSP thanks, im still adjusting some things in inputs and weapons, i have to install the hud and tune the vulcan canon, after that i may change the livery or something, also i consider to change the wings to automatic ones
@GrFrog is a little complex to calibrate it, for example when a made it i have the strict weight of 3000lbs, because more or less weight changes the suspension and grip performance, also is very very important the Center of mass, because if its too high or too low the vehicle does weird things and flip over, also find the best wheel size is important, if you put a very low suspension spring reachs a point that the height drops, if i increase the size i increase the useful zone, but also it makes a big drop zone, without mention that wheel size changes a lot the mass, acceleration, grip and everything
@GrFrog 5 size resizable wheels, with scale at 0.1,0.1,0.1, if you put the wheels close to the center of gravity from all directions you reduce suspension problems. the grip is custom, i put a high asymptote (100) to soften the grip loss but with 2 or 3 grip scale (to avoid the woobling at turning) the extremum just makes the sliding sound, so i put it to 99999.
the steering is gyro operated (Yaw + Roll + YawRate/10)
for the flying mode i used 2 engines, one pointing forward, the other backward, both with around 10-20 degrees pointing up, the vtol engine is just decorative and i put it to balance the fuel consumption
in any case the "Fiat Uno Plus" has just the wheels if you want to dissect it
The other thing you have in mind that the AI is the most stupid thing that you can imagine, it only puts the throttle at maximun, dont know how to use the brakes, much less the trim or VTOL, and im not sure if it know that the rudder even exist... and "pull the control stick" like if it hate it, thats why it must have precise reaction and the less shaking possible
The time that i have working in AI planes i noticed that they must have the most precise handling possible, you can make it with smaller elevators and quick movement reaction, one nice way is to totally eliminate the control surfaces and replace the handling with small engines hidden in the tips, but with a Rate stabilization, also another way that i recently noticed are control surfaces with a very low input angle, but i higher DragScale in the elevators, thing that i got in a F-16 i made
@Verdugo id neved tried this, but yes, the only problem that may have is for the automatic aiming guns, because for its size the rotators have a horrible bad response
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 i eliminated the drag in all parts, a lot of the lag caused in big creations are the drag points calculation, thats why i put all the drag in a x1 scale engine
@TheTomatoLover Funas is a way to accuse someone socially, is my kind of motto because i got banned in a lot of social medias, for example facebook for how i express there, or discord for my way to "unrespect" staff members and things like this
the most of people that are "Funados" are people that steal, or diddle others, also people that without reason throw shit at you in social media. being generally fake accusations
you may set the calculateDrag to false in all blocks except one, this will help you a lot to reduce the lag in big builds (part count doesnt care too much)
also create a ramp in the end of the runway helps to land for that grip thing
+1@upperflat thanks
+1@Kerbango i have in mind to search and transform some damage textures from the gta san andreas, because that are actually low detailed and transparent, i have to transform that from txd to png
+1@LunarEclipseSP thanks, im still adjusting some things in inputs and weapons, i have to install the hud and tune the vulcan canon, after that i may change the livery or something, also i consider to change the wings to automatic ones
+1@GrFrog is a little complex to calibrate it, for example when a made it i have the strict weight of 3000lbs, because more or less weight changes the suspension and grip performance, also is very very important the Center of mass, because if its too high or too low the vehicle does weird things and flip over, also find the best wheel size is important, if you put a very low suspension spring reachs a point that the height drops, if i increase the size i increase the useful zone, but also it makes a big drop zone, without mention that wheel size changes a lot the mass, acceleration, grip and everything
+1@GrFrog 5 size resizable wheels, with scale at 0.1,0.1,0.1, if you put the wheels close to the center of gravity from all directions you reduce suspension problems. the grip is custom, i put a high asymptote (100) to soften the grip loss but with 2 or 3 grip scale (to avoid the woobling at turning) the extremum just makes the sliding sound, so i put it to 99999.
the steering is gyro operated (Yaw + Roll + YawRate/10)
for the flying mode i used 2 engines, one pointing forward, the other backward, both with around 10-20 degrees pointing up, the vtol engine is just decorative and i put it to balance the fuel consumption
in any case the "Fiat Uno Plus" has just the wheels if you want to dissect it
+1from the creators of "Onda vital" or Don "pepe y los globos" it comes "Matador"
+1ahhh !!!
+1literally SR-71 from hawx
+1when you mix a HiMAT, and VF-1 and a mig-29
+1@TheMouse yeah this one, it have inspiration between Mexican culture mythology and thomas memes
+1if i could get a pc i should remake God
+1Avion de Cartón
+1damn dude, thats a really nice one
+1Nice one buddy
+1guys is any server avaiable? im checking all the ip's (old ones too) and practically nothing works
+1let me guess, the Audi from I-Robot?
i was thinking to make this car after some XML tricks that i learnt
+1@16 nice idea
+1The other thing you have in mind that the AI is the most stupid thing that you can imagine, it only puts the throttle at maximun, dont know how to use the brakes, much less the trim or VTOL, and im not sure if it know that the rudder even exist... and "pull the control stick" like if it hate it, thats why it must have precise reaction and the less shaking possible
+1The time that i have working in AI planes i noticed that they must have the most precise handling possible, you can make it with smaller elevators and quick movement reaction, one nice way is to totally eliminate the control surfaces and replace the handling with small engines hidden in the tips, but with a Rate stabilization, also another way that i recently noticed are control surfaces with a very low input angle, but i higher DragScale in the elevators, thing that i got in a F-16 i made
+1Wow another broom
+1nice one
+1@Zaineman is literally a bike muffler
+1@IceCraftGaming if this escalates even more, i have no doubt that someone will make a YF-21 Sturmvogel soon
+1Do you control it with the camera sight?
+1@Verdugo id neved tried this, but yes, the only problem that may have is for the automatic aiming guns, because for its size the rotators have a horrible bad response
+1well... china literally have some small autogiros in the army
+1Es Cine 🗿🚬
+1Nice Broom bro Slap them
+1Kids Uses the N word
Chads uses the H word
+1finally someone made it
+1Y el Merluzo Callampin Bombin
+1@DatRoadTrainGuy19 i eliminated the drag in all parts, a lot of the lag caused in big creations are the drag points calculation, thats why i put all the drag in a x1 scale engine
+1hmm i want to invade poland...
+1@WrightDefense is a way to avoid censorship XD
+1@TheTomatoLover Funas is a way to accuse someone socially, is my kind of motto because i got banned in a lot of social medias, for example facebook for how i express there, or discord for my way to "unrespect" staff members and things like this
the most of people that are "Funados" are people that steal, or diddle others, also people that without reason throw shit at you in social media. being generally fake accusations
+1long time i haven't seen builds like that
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore i got a little inspiration about this
+1i like the clean design
+1help stepbro, im stuck
+1L A V A D O R A T A C T I C A
+1Thats a interesing idea, a lot of time ago i considered to make one prototype of a engine like this, but it didn't convinced me
+1Nano Hornet
+1You have very nice designs
+1@WiniMii i have in mind to make a F-4 phantom or a F-100 super sabre, this last one because is easier to make
@0k @RepublicOfCursedPlanes thank you guys