There's something odd about this post...
Can't update game?
1.11 ruined everything?
I downloaded ReinMcDeer's F-15C just fine. Either you're playing a pirated version, or it's just your phone.
image posts are sometimes bugged, Idk. This web likes to do that.
This post feels like one of those cringy complaints, ngl.
IFF. I feel like IFF is needed. Why? The AI in SimplePlanes will not engage you unless you lock on or fire on them. It doesn't make any sense when you accidentally dropped a bomb near the USS Beast or accidentally lock on to it after you takeoff from it, and then have the destroyers shooting at you. This would also be great for MP.
Heatseeking missiles. I know I already said this, but I haven't said specifically of what it is capable of.
- Fox code is Fox 2.
- Will have stronger track if the target uses more throttle percentage and if the target uses jet engines.
- Has a very short range of 2 nautical miles (3.704km).
- Does not emit any lock on warnings.
- Turns harder than any missiles in the game.
- Has a short lock on time at about 2 seconds and a wide lock on angle at 45° (almost as twice as the Guardian)
- Only affected by flares and not chaffs. It can be affected by the sun.
- Capable of Fire-and-Forget.
- Has the model of the R-73 or the Python-5.
I wish this feature will be added soon in SimplePlanes.
But then again, it's up to you guys if you want to implement it. All of this sounds complicated to implement and I'm sorry about that.
I highly recommend the shithole that is twitter if you want to keep acting like an ass
trust me, it's a really fun community to be an ass in
other than that, calm down brother
don't be another victim of the dunning kruger effect
And this is why we need to have the ability of selecting VTOL nozzles into VTOL engines. Kinda like how the car parts does. Because with VTOL nozzles, you can either have this nice vapor trails, or nice afterburners.
actually, there is nothing you can't detect.
if we can detect a transmission far away in the galaxy, why not an aircraft flying directly overhead? Stealth technology doesn't make the aircraft invisible. Stealth delays the detection of the radar.
I'm sure this can be expected as Multiplayer will be one of the more important features in SP2, but I just wanted to make sure.
Will Multiplayer be available on iOS and Android? If so, will Multiplayer come with the crossplay feature? I hope so, because I can't wait to fly, destroy, crash, dogfight, and do some other shenanigans with my friends!
As a person who mainly enjoys playing SP by making military jets, this is an important thing for me.
Will SP weaponry be improved with better physics, customization, and variety? I've been wishing for SP to have a Fox 2 for a long time at this point so it would be amazing to see one!
As a wise man once said:
"You're a waste of money!"
ok but fr, This is just the same as begging. It feels like one of those cringy YouTubers who's always telling the viewers to subscribe before this date so I can blah blah blah, just making shit up just so they can get more fame and profit. "SuBsCrIbE NoW oR YoUr dOg WiLl bE TaKen", get the fuck out of my face.
I'm not saying that being positive on a swab test can just be ignored, but really? You're begging for upvotes, for some stupid points, over an actual virus that has caused the world go into lockdown, making economy, stability, and safety go worse? Like bro, that's not how you cure the thing, think logically!
Besides, people don't upvote stuff to something like a shit ass post. They upvote it when they feel like it. They're just not going to upvote every single fucking thing in the world, that'd be exhausting as fuck.
As for anyone else reading this message, I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold this feeling of trying to argue with some stupid ass dude.
you can either:
1. tune up the "max" value
This will make slower accelerations, but it also makes the engine much stronger.
2. add a "throttleResponse" in the "Engine" section, and put a number below 1.
This will make the acceleration slower, and it doesn't make the engine stronger.
maxVelocityAngleAdjusmentRate is the max amount of how much your missile can turn. As long as it's below or has the same value as Heading, it should be fine.
maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate is the max amount of how much your missile can point it's nose at the target. This is basically a limiter to how much your missile can turn.
-Condition 1:
if you leave the Heading at 50 and the Velocity at 60, the missile will not turn as hard as it should (60° rate/second). Instead it will limit it's turn (50° rate/second).
-Condition 2:
If you put the Heading to 60 and the Velocity to 60, it will have 60° rate/second, most likely every time.
-Condition 3:
If you put the Heading to 80 and the Velocity to 60, you will have a missile that tries to turn very hard, but it will not change it's direction above 60° rate/second. Kind of like how aircrafts do PSMs. But since it's powered with a rocket booster, it won't be too slow. This is the one I usually use for high capable missiles, like the AIM-9X or the Python-5.
Now, keep in mind that I haven't tested if the turn rate of the missiles are the exact same rate that I have put, simply because I do not wanna go and put a flight computer in missiles just to prove this. And that is exactly why we need at least replays. If can, tacviews.
If you don't already know, Tacview is a feature in DCS where it works as a replay, and also an observation view. It lets you see the exact turn rates, speed, altitude, it's range to other crafts, G-forces pulled, and maybe more stuff. Idrk, I haven't played DCS, but I do watch them. Oh, also they have trails for every single aircraft. Although unlike replays, it's pretty much colorless. As a map for the ground and terrains, and the aircrafts are colored depending which team the aircraft is on.
as a user who, not long ago reached plat
no it's not worth it.
if you're looking for points, you're being stupid. there's not really any point in grinding points, it's not going to give you any rewards in return whatsoever.
points are kind of just, ratings
if a person has reached platinum, you could expect great quality, or quantity from them. But that is if you're the type to try out people's creation
while me? I'm not that typa person, I just make stuff.
so conclusion?
grinding for points is useless.
The war has ended. Yesterday, at approximately 0800, the Snowstone forces had rebelled against the evil scientist. While the rebellion was happening, our forces gathered and launched an attack at Snowstone. Realizing this danger, the evil scientist tried to run away to sky park where he could hide. Fortunately, the rebellion forces saw him about to run, and captured him. At 1100, our operation began. The rebellion forces knew an attack was coming, as one of their spies was also in the rebelling forces. We dealt massive damage to the enemy. However, soon, the rebellion forces came up to our forces landed near Avalanche Air Base, and told them they rebelled against the enemy. This news spread into the friendly forces, and all attacks stopped at approximately 1300. At 1723, a peace treaty was signed at Yeager Air Base. The war was now officially over with Snowstone losing the war.
The Snowstone forces took a big hit on their economy, due to the amounts of resources they needed to gather in order to repair their forces. This caused both Wright, and Krakabloa to help Snowstone rebuilt it's forces by training, rebuilding facilities, repairing damaged runways, and sending multiple equipments. Soon after the peace treaty was signed, the evil scientist was interrogated. As a result, he admitted that he wanted that big explosion that was dropped on the Krakabloan Island by the Wrightian bomber during the Wright-Krakabloan war for a test he tried to conduct. The evil scientist was sentenced to lifetime jail. A possibility of an execution was considered, but rejected due to it being "too evil". As of now, the Snowstone forces is still rebuilding their army. The Snowstone Navy asked for another base to be constructed in the cliffs on the opposite side of Avalanche. The permission to build was granted, and they had started building it.
wait wasn't it destroyed by Mobius 1?
Fun fact: Stonehenge is apparently a thing that plagued ISAF for so long and all it took was a madman with a stealth jet to destroy it, and what did he get? 16 deadpan words
I'm going to say with my honest opinion, but I think what people forgot most about is that SimplePlanes was not meant to be in-depth like how Flyout is.
This is me speaking as a non-Flyout player, so take this with a little salt.
SimplePlanes nowadays sounded sort of counteractive with what the community brings out. But, for what it is? I say it lives up to it's name. SimplePlanes was made so people understand the general physics to design an aircraft, not to give an in-depth simulation of your design. It serves as a first step in designing an aircraft. Sure, it might not be realistic, but SimplePlanes never was made to be realistic.
Flyout on the other hand, is the sandbox that takes you to the next step. It introduces a lot of physical aspect that you might not have learnt in SimplePlanes. It also challenges your creativity with practicality, as where SimplePlanes was more about how much creative can you be. Unlike SimplePlanes, Flyout is meant with realism in mind. It not only teaches you the basic, but goes a little more in-depth. You can say the same with JNO.
Now to say with the building, it is definitely easier to make stuff in Flyout for lesser parts, but it is a lot easier to understand SimplePlanes' building mechanics. This is, as you said, the exact reason why people can make banger shit in SimplePlanes, outside of planes. I'm not saying Flyout isn't capable of doing this as well, it most definitely is. It's just that since SimplePlanes was never meant to be realistic, it's a much smoother learning curve than trying to learn how to make in Flyout. This, is basically the same point as in the video.
In short? No, SimplePlanes aren't going anywhere, anytime soon. Even after people have gotten a better device for a cheaper price, SimplePlanes won't likely be forgotten to new aviators who wants to test their aircraft building skills. Or even other things.
I like replicating planes in general.
I also like the community.
The dogfights are pretty fun, but they're quite lacking.
Physics makes me go y e s
There's updoots, they fill your dopamine
There's just something about this game and this website that's... Fun. Unlike other sandbox. Where usually it's just plain boredom. With SP, you have all kinds of possibilities to discover. It's honestly beautiful.
You can watch the tutorial here
For mobile players, open the dev console, type in //MainCamera>Camera.set_depth 10 to hide your instrument. you can also change the FoV to make it look nicer by inserting the //MainCamera>Camera.set_fieldOfView 30 (or any number that will feel comfortable). Take the screenshot, and follow the tutorial.
Improved control surfaces.
first things first, wing-like edit shape. usually, the shape of the control surface follows the shape of the wing. What does this means? This means if you make a delta shaped wing, you'll get a triangular control surface. And if you make a square shaped wing, you'll get a square control surface. It's just so annoying to have those.
It kinda just makes building easier and it also makes less part counts.
But then again, it's up to you guys because I just realized that this sounds like I forced you to do it.
I've always thought upvotes as a kind of rating, tbh
it's not hard to see how people constantly compare their upvote counts, it directly puts on a feeling of competitiveness and seeing a shitty build get a tonne of upvotes feel upsetting. to this day, I still dislike those who make a half-assed build and get significantly more upvotes than a guy who worked his back off just to get one thing right and get next to no upvotes relatively.
but I never really tried to make it a problem. For all I know, people just don't know me and don't want to. Who's stopping them?
so I just make things and stopped bothering about upvote counts.
I mean
you kinda just, use a fuselage block, adjust them (be sure to out 0 mass and drag), and stuff a hidden wing inside? Idk what else
ok, there is something else but what I usually do is I make a single fuselage block, and shape them into a wing
cut them off for the control surfaces, replicate that cut, just the opposite and attach a rotator into it
and then stuff a hidden wing inside that matches the dimensions of the fuselage block
don't ask other people, ask yourself. do you still want to do this? if yes then don't (and also that's stupid because you're just looking for clout), if no, then do whatever the fuck you want, nobody's stopping like real bruh
exactly why I have been using undo buttons everytime I make a mistake
never once I complained about undo buttons
"it's not broken, just outdated" is the best way of describing what the undo button is
by the way if I remember correctly, editing texts don't count as a step
reading at the comments below my comment and checking it out myself, I can say that you need to change your attitude.
"i'M a GiRL", does that matter in a website about building planes? Yeah, like people are gonna treat you like a queen. This is one of the behaviours you need to change.
Are you 12? If yes, get out of here.
This is, goddamit. Nobody cares about bitches, people just care about making good planes.
Majority of your comments are either stating you're a girl, or spamming. My question is, why? I'm still 14 and I don't think we need a psychiatrist to prove that your attitude is incorrect.
So if you want people to care about you, make planes. Stop that attitude, and grow up.
There's something odd about this post...
+18Can't update game?
1.11 ruined everything?
I downloaded ReinMcDeer's F-15C just fine. Either you're playing a pirated version, or it's just your phone.
image posts are sometimes bugged, Idk. This web likes to do that.
This post feels like one of those cringy complaints, ngl.
IFF. I feel like IFF is needed. Why? The AI in SimplePlanes will not engage you unless you lock on or fire on them. It doesn't make any sense when you accidentally dropped a bomb near the USS Beast or accidentally lock on to it after you takeoff from it, and then have the destroyers shooting at you. This would also be great for MP.
+12Heatseeking missiles. I know I already said this, but I haven't said specifically of what it is capable of.
+12- Fox code is Fox 2.
- Will have stronger track if the target uses more throttle percentage and if the target uses jet engines.
- Has a very short range of 2 nautical miles (3.704km).
- Does not emit any lock on warnings.
- Turns harder than any missiles in the game.
- Has a short lock on time at about 2 seconds and a wide lock on angle at 45° (almost as twice as the Guardian)
- Only affected by flares and not chaffs. It can be affected by the sun.
- Capable of Fire-and-Forget.
- Has the model of the R-73 or the Python-5.
I wish this feature will be added soon in SimplePlanes.
But then again, it's up to you guys if you want to implement it. All of this sounds complicated to implement and I'm sorry about that.
+11I highly recommend the shithole that is twitter if you want to keep acting like an ass
trust me, it's a really fun community to be an ass in
other than that, calm down brother
don't be another victim of the dunning kruger effect
And this is why we need to have the ability of selecting VTOL nozzles into VTOL engines. Kinda like how the car parts does. Because with VTOL nozzles, you can either have this nice vapor trails, or nice afterburners.
+11actually, there is nothing you can't detect.
+11if we can detect a transmission far away in the galaxy, why not an aircraft flying directly overhead? Stealth technology doesn't make the aircraft invisible. Stealth delays the detection of the radar.
Well for one:
+10It's way too off topic.
And two:
It was cringe as hell boi
Have you even read the rules?
uhm these are great suggestions
+10but maybe, just maybe tune down the caps a bit
+9I'm sure this can be expected as Multiplayer will be one of the more important features in SP2, but I just wanted to make sure.
Will Multiplayer be available on iOS and Android? If so, will Multiplayer come with the crossplay feature? I hope so, because I can't wait to fly, destroy, crash, dogfight, and do some other shenanigans with my friends!
As a person who mainly enjoys playing SP by making military jets, this is an important thing for me.
Will SP weaponry be improved with better physics, customization, and variety? I've been wishing for SP to have a Fox 2 for a long time at this point so it would be amazing to see one!
Ok cool
+9anything I was thinking of saying would've get me a warn on the site so no thank you
But it's cool
As a wise man once said:
+8"You're a waste of money!"
ok but fr, This is just the same as begging. It feels like one of those cringy YouTubers who's always telling the viewers to subscribe before this date so I can blah blah blah, just making shit up just so they can get more fame and profit. "SuBsCrIbE NoW oR YoUr dOg WiLl bE TaKen", get the fuck out of my face.
I'm not saying that being positive on a swab test can just be ignored, but really? You're begging for upvotes, for some stupid points, over an actual virus that has caused the world go into lockdown, making economy, stability, and safety go worse? Like bro, that's not how you cure the thing, think logically!
Besides, people don't upvote stuff to something like a shit ass post. They upvote it when they feel like it. They're just not going to upvote every single fucking thing in the world, that'd be exhausting as fuck.
As for anyone else reading this message, I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold this feeling of trying to argue with some stupid ass dude.
you can either:
+81. tune up the "max" value
This will make slower accelerations, but it also makes the engine much stronger.
2. add a "throttleResponse" in the "Engine" section, and put a number below 1.
This will make the acceleration slower, and it doesn't make the engine stronger.
is the max amount of how much your missile can turn. As long as it's below or has the same value as Heading, it should be fine.maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate
is the max amount of how much your missile can point it's nose at the target. This is basically a limiter to how much your missile can turn.Example:
-Condition 1:
if you leave the
at 50 and theVelocity
at 60, the missile will not turn as hard as it should (60° rate/second). Instead it will limit it's turn (50° rate/second).-Condition 2:
If you put the
to 60 and theVelocity
to 60, it will have 60° rate/second, most likely every time.-Condition 3:
If you put the
to 80 and theVelocity
to 60, you will have a missile that tries to turn very hard, but it will not change it's direction above 60° rate/second. Kind of like how aircrafts do PSMs. But since it's powered with a rocket booster, it won't be too slow. This is the one I usually use for high capable missiles, like the AIM-9X or the Python-5.Now, keep in mind that I haven't tested if the turn rate of the missiles are the exact same rate that I have put, simply because I do not wanna go and put a flight computer in missiles just to prove this. And that is exactly why we need at least replays. If can, tacviews.
If you don't already know, Tacview is a feature in DCS where it works as a replay, and also an observation view. It lets you see the exact turn rates, speed, altitude, it's range to other crafts, G-forces pulled, and maybe more stuff. Idrk, I haven't played DCS, but I do watch them. Oh, also they have trails for every single aircraft. Although unlike replays, it's pretty much colorless. As a map for the ground and terrains, and the aircrafts are colored depending which team the aircraft is on.
+8respectfully, skill issue
+7people will always find anime characters to be put onto things that they're not supposed to be in and I'm all in for it
+7as a user who, not long ago reached plat
+7no it's not worth it.
if you're looking for points, you're being stupid. there's not really any point in grinding points, it's not going to give you any rewards in return whatsoever.
points are kind of just, ratings
if a person has reached platinum, you could expect great quality, or quantity from them. But that is if you're the type to try out people's creation
while me? I'm not that typa person, I just make stuff.
so conclusion?
grinding for points is useless.
I'm just going to uh
End of the War
The war has ended. Yesterday, at approximately 0800, the Snowstone forces had rebelled against the evil scientist. While the rebellion was happening, our forces gathered and launched an attack at Snowstone. Realizing this danger, the evil scientist tried to run away to sky park where he could hide. Fortunately, the rebellion forces saw him about to run, and captured him. At 1100, our operation began. The rebellion forces knew an attack was coming, as one of their spies was also in the rebelling forces. We dealt massive damage to the enemy. However, soon, the rebellion forces came up to our forces landed near Avalanche Air Base, and told them they rebelled against the enemy. This news spread into the friendly forces, and all attacks stopped at approximately 1300. At 1723, a peace treaty was signed at Yeager Air Base. The war was now officially over with Snowstone losing the war.
The Snowstone forces took a big hit on their economy, due to the amounts of resources they needed to gather in order to repair their forces. This caused both Wright, and Krakabloa to help Snowstone rebuilt it's forces by training, rebuilding facilities, repairing damaged runways, and sending multiple equipments. Soon after the peace treaty was signed, the evil scientist was interrogated. As a result, he admitted that he wanted that big explosion that was dropped on the Krakabloan Island by the Wrightian bomber during the Wright-Krakabloan war for a test he tried to conduct. The evil scientist was sentenced to lifetime jail. A possibility of an execution was considered, but rejected due to it being "too evil". As of now, the Snowstone forces is still rebuilding their army. The Snowstone Navy asked for another base to be constructed in the cliffs on the opposite side of Avalanche. The permission to build was granted, and they had started building it.
Sound good?
+7aeugh that teeth
wait wasn't it destroyed by Mobius 1?
+7Fun fact: Stonehenge is apparently a thing that plagued ISAF for so long and all it took was a madman with a stealth jet to destroy it, and what did he get? 16 deadpan words
it's that time of the day again
+6I'm going to say with my honest opinion, but I think what people forgot most about is that SimplePlanes was not meant to be in-depth like how Flyout is.
+6This is me speaking as a non-Flyout player, so take this with a little salt.
SimplePlanes nowadays sounded sort of counteractive with what the community brings out. But, for what it is? I say it lives up to it's name. SimplePlanes was made so people understand the general physics to design an aircraft, not to give an in-depth simulation of your design. It serves as a first step in designing an aircraft. Sure, it might not be realistic, but SimplePlanes never was made to be realistic.
Flyout on the other hand, is the sandbox that takes you to the next step. It introduces a lot of physical aspect that you might not have learnt in SimplePlanes. It also challenges your creativity with practicality, as where SimplePlanes was more about how much creative can you be. Unlike SimplePlanes, Flyout is meant with realism in mind. It not only teaches you the basic, but goes a little more in-depth. You can say the same with JNO.
Now to say with the building, it is definitely easier to make stuff in Flyout for lesser parts, but it is a lot easier to understand SimplePlanes' building mechanics. This is, as you said, the exact reason why people can make banger shit in SimplePlanes, outside of planes. I'm not saying Flyout isn't capable of doing this as well, it most definitely is. It's just that since SimplePlanes was never meant to be realistic, it's a much smoother learning curve than trying to learn how to make in Flyout. This, is basically the same point as in the video.
In short? No, SimplePlanes aren't going anywhere, anytime soon. Even after people have gotten a better device for a cheaper price, SimplePlanes won't likely be forgotten to new aviators who wants to test their aircraft building skills. Or even other things.
your plane is vr capable
+6that's it, no other reason
honestly might wanna change those sensitive words.
+6identity theftttt
+6hmm lemme guess
+6labels on some level of alpha and emission?
How have I not upvoted this yet...
+6o m g g u y s !1!11!1!11!1!1!1!1!1!1!1
+6s h o c k i n g d i s c o v e r y!!!1!1!1!11!!!1!!!!!!!1!1!1!!11!
I like replicating planes in general.
+6I also like the community.
The dogfights are pretty fun, but they're quite lacking.
Physics makes me go y e s
There's updoots, they fill your dopamine
There's just something about this game and this website that's... Fun. Unlike other sandbox. Where usually it's just plain boredom. With SP, you have all kinds of possibilities to discover. It's honestly beautiful.
You can watch the tutorial here
+6For mobile players, open the dev console, type in
//MainCamera>Camera.set_depth 10
to hide your instrument. you can also change the FoV to make it look nicer by inserting the//MainCamera>Camera.set_fieldOfView 30
(or any number that will feel comfortable). Take the screenshot, and follow the tutorial.Improved control surfaces.
+6first things first, wing-like edit shape. usually, the shape of the control surface follows the shape of the wing. What does this means? This means if you make a delta shaped wing, you'll get a triangular control surface. And if you make a square shaped wing, you'll get a square control surface. It's just so annoying to have those.
It kinda just makes building easier and it also makes less part counts.
But then again, it's up to you guys because I just realized that this sounds like I forced you to do it.
I've always thought upvotes as a kind of rating, tbh
+5it's not hard to see how people constantly compare their upvote counts, it directly puts on a feeling of competitiveness and seeing a shitty build get a tonne of upvotes feel upsetting. to this day, I still dislike those who make a half-assed build and get significantly more upvotes than a guy who worked his back off just to get one thing right and get next to no upvotes relatively.
but I never really tried to make it a problem. For all I know, people just don't know me and don't want to. Who's stopping them?
so I just make things and stopped bothering about upvote counts.
Fox 2.
+5I mean
+5you kinda just, use a fuselage block, adjust them (be sure to out 0 mass and drag), and stuff a hidden wing inside? Idk what else
ok, there is something else but what I usually do is I make a single fuselage block, and shape them into a wing
cut them off for the control surfaces, replicate that cut, just the opposite and attach a rotator into it
and then stuff a hidden wing inside that matches the dimensions of the fuselage block
please confirm that this has been declassified.
+5Алиса Тадано Зелезнакова
Idk, very cool
I'm hopeful for whatever this new project is
+5hope it's goin well for ya'll
what in the 1980000 symbols shit is this
+5don't ask other people, ask yourself. do you still want to do this? if yes then don't (and also that's stupid because you're just looking for clout), if no, then do whatever the fuck you want, nobody's stopping like real bruh
chii had enough and decided to leave again I think Idk why though
+5exactly why I have been using undo buttons everytime I make a mistake
+5never once I complained about undo buttons
"it's not broken, just outdated" is the best way of describing what the undo button is
by the way if I remember correctly, editing texts don't count as a step
neko kawaii :D
now make it horizontally spin
puts free bird solo guitar as bgm
look guys the burner is green
+5not really
if I'm being honest it's probably just some trolls on the internet that just took it too far
happy bday and gbye
+5I told you not to. Now get out of my sight.
...Is what I would've said if I was so mean and don't understand how humor works.
+5Oh wow
+5Honestly I dunno what to say, it's just impressive
reading at the comments below my comment and checking it out myself, I can say that you need to change your attitude.
+5"i'M a GiRL", does that matter in a website about building planes? Yeah, like people are gonna treat you like a queen. This is one of the behaviours you need to change.
Are you 12? If yes, get out of here.
This is, goddamit. Nobody cares about bitches, people just care about making good planes.
Majority of your comments are either stating you're a girl, or spamming. My question is, why? I'm still 14 and I don't think we need a psychiatrist to prove that your attitude is incorrect.
So if you want people to care about you, make planes. Stop that attitude, and grow up.
+5Read the actual tag, this is what happens when you don't read the actual tag.