23.5k Axartar Comments

  • Why? 4.8 years ago

    because they are weeaboos. its an unfortunate disease, which currently has no cure, fortunately some of these people can recover to watching good content.
    we must support them still as how else could they recover.
    edit i got to the end of this and forgot what i was on about at the start

  • SP Tracks concept 2.9 years ago

    Nice to see someone who actually backed up their proposal with a neat presentation and modelling the parts, nice job!

  • Should I add girls to my builds? one month ago

    Not unless theyre modelled in simpleplanes. gooners should show off skill imo lol


    That cockpit warm up sequence is absolutely incredible

  • CLICK BAIT!!! DO NOT CLICK!!! 4.9 years ago

    I read what it said.
    I acknowledged what it said.
    I guessed what would happen.
    and i still clicked it

  • [Rant] Welcome back, you damn menace to society! 17 days ago

    Schizophrenia simulator

  • Accusations of outright theft of someone else's work one month ago

    Gotta start building watermarks

  • Simpleplanes 2 NEEDS a built-in sound engine one month ago

    YESSSS, or at least more engine options, personally id kinda like a way to add simple waves, perhaps for musical/sci-fi purposes, the issue is moderation id imagine, it would be hell on earth tryna stop every craft from sneakily playing copyrighted, or hateful audios

  • MIND. BLOWN. 4.6 years ago

    Wait I thought everyone knew it was pronounced jun drew

  • This needs to stop! 4.6 years ago

    I don’t blame you it’s really annoying when it isn’t polite or constructive.
    My personal favourite I’ve received is.
    “It didn’t fly” on a tank

  • Everything and everyone in SP is AWESOME 4.8 years ago

    Best part of simple planes is the community.
    edit: sadly not, a minority of this community caused it to crash and burn

  • Sheeshpost Props 4 days ago

    that last guy sold me low quality copper y'all be careful out there

  • bombardino crocodilo 6 days ago

    Well its a crocodile and a bomber, im not sure what I expected

  • Downloadable maps on ios? And Map Editor? 4.7 years ago

    If you want this to happen, chances are it’ll be a windows mod. Not to mention new infrastructure on the website, but I like the idea

  • Something Happened... 4.7 years ago

    so this is how finetuner multi select works

  • VTOL Spitfire 4.9 years ago

    im very scared

  • New XML properties 5.1 years ago

    I recommend googling it/ searching it on the search in sp also more recently new xml properties were added for bombs that may still be in forums @SomethingIDontKnow

  • Simple Planes, SR2 and the Way Ahead 5.7 years ago

    Honestly currently I don't think they compare at all, simple planes is better for fine creations with finnicky parts. I tried on sr2 but the mirroring tools aren't good, furthermore you cant export models and lastly you can't Xml mod, this has become one of my favourite aspects of sp honestly me and impactForce are best friends. In addition sr2 requires a Lotttttt more processing power, my simple planes can handle about 1-1.5k parts MAX, whilst my sr2 can barely handle a basic space ship.

    On the contrary I agree, the games should stay separate I've already payed (only a tiny discount in the bundle at the time) for the full version of the games, as they're both great for their desired aspects, sr2 performs great for space travel whilst sp cant scrape it. Also the plane aspects in sr2 are a LOT harder to use.

    And for a possible money maker, They could start making official mods (dlcs) like underwater has been made and with all the underwater terrain ALREADY MADE by the devs why not add some underwater engines throw in underwater vision and maybe some real underwater weapons. you get the idea. this isn't (relative compared to moving the community to sr2) hard at all, even then the mod creators would likely be happy to help develop parts and locations. And charge small money for some of these and you could help satisfy the community.

    I feel like i stopped making sense about halfway through the post, oh well.

  • can i just say 5.7 years ago

    I wish there was a way to remove the base of beacon lights.

  • Where are the old players who are still active? Why do I rarely see anyone providing support to new players? one month ago

    People grow up and change, id say based off when I was in my prime, 90% of the people who were my friends are gone, unlikely to return, and that was only 5 years ago. I recommend the discords if you need help, forums can be hit or miss, always have been. The people who have stuck around tend to be friendly enough if you ask them imo

  • Name your favorite player!! 3 months ago

    Graingy is a pillar of the community rn tbf

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.6 years ago

    GLASS AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. Great job sp development

  • The Final SimplePlanes Weekly, with Awsomur. 4.7 years ago

    It's sad to see you go, and the SPW. The community needs a social restructuring. And a lot of the longstanding pillars have broken. People have changed and i'm glad I wasn't here to witness it.

  • Simple Girl 2 4.7 years ago

    keywords in the comment section atm, weeb, pale, simp. and i can't disagree, nonetheless an impressive build.

  • LAV-300 (Battle of Marawi) 5.2 years ago

    Anyone got the password?

  • What should the team of mods be called? 5.6 years ago



    or even better



    or lastly



  • for some reason my less than 200 part plane suddenly is 2100+ 5.6 years ago

    ok, in simple, if there is any tiny parts in the centre of a build it duplicates at an exponential amount.


    0.01 x 0.01 x 0.01 fuselage placed on the plane of symmetry for some reason when any mirroring (even just mirror part) duplicates. then the duplicated parts duplicate essentially FOR EXAMPLE

  • Human stupidity amuses me. 5.7 years ago

    I thought those things were only found in legends. Such stupidity is unrivalled! Quite spectacular!

  • Is it time for me to EVOLVE?!!??!? 5.7 years ago

    Ducc cos geese are scary

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 5.8 years ago

    Lol as the most upvoted plane it is pilgrimage to lace it with explosives and fly into a bridge @ChiyomiAnzai

  • Challenge me to make something complicated !!!! 18 days ago

    1:1 walking model of the rizzler

  • I found the Brown Pearl easter egg one month ago

    @YarisSedan Wait it exists for mobile? how am I only finding this out now

  • CyberTruck Teaser one month ago

    remember to decrease the health on the windows

  • Ten years. one month ago

    10 years is impressive

  • Long-Term Vision for SimplePlanes 2: The Ultimate Multiplayer Hub That Lasts a Century 3 months ago

    Yeah, but there would have to be a bunch of rules for the hubs, e.g. based on part count/performance cost, also stuff like explosionscale and missile xml stuff would have to be limited.

    Collaborative building would be neat, but only with user selected people, but it would become an issue with mods, and also if too many people are building and stuff, testing the game-engine limits, it would not be great for others

  • WEBSITE suggestions for SP2 3 months ago

    I want a way to selectively ignore things in my notifications, because I never watch videos and my entire stream is full of them.

  • How much people are on this site? 4 months ago

    over a week, based on the highest amount of upvotes rn, there has to be over 60 active-ish users, also id imagine a bunch of them dont really upvote stuff so its probably about 150 or so accounts regularly

  • Winch XML edit Help 2.9 years ago

    Overload, then go into the winch properties and I think extension is a variable, up that by a bunch. Imma be honest I have no idea what value gets you 15 miles, I’d just type in an arbitrarily big number tbh

  • Thanks For Platinum! 2.9 years ago

    Well done, T :)

  • Jundroo turns 10 years old today 3.0 years ago

    Happy birthday jundroo

  • NHRA Drag Car ''Funny Car'' 4.5 years ago

    Didn’t know doorstops could have wheels

  • German Corsair 4.7 years ago

    wow its third page of highest rated. this is probably the best sp joke

  • The fact that your plane has a nuclear explosion whenever you hit something or tap your prop on the ground in SP is obsolete and infuriating. 4.8 years ago

    I kinda like some of the physics, I think scratch marks for light damage on a part would be nice, maybe some holes. But that may end up looking a bit meh. And honestly I love doing trench run and catching a single bit of fuselage and watching half my plane fall off (sarcasm)

  • this guy in minecraft chat 5.6 years ago

    Make him aw man

  • [Teaser] you decide p2 5.6 years ago

    Thanks! @HarryBen47 @PositivePlanes @Thelegitpilot13

  • Tie Crawler 5.8 years ago

    Thanks for all the updoots everyone

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 5.8 years ago

    It’s a pilgrimage to fly this into a bridge every year

  • Possible SimplePlanes 2 release date 8 days ago

    yeah, expected

  • Just a survey for my school project :v 10 days ago

    1, a good engine
    2, harrier
    3, in an ideal world never
