23.9k FeatherWing Comments

  • Update v1.12.116 beta is live 3.2 years ago

    Do you by chance have the 'upload with screenshots' mod installed?

  • Vertical Curvature for text 3.2 years ago

    I know.

  • A question for the developers 3.2 years ago

    Yes, but ground that doesn't move still exists as a thing and with it being all 3D, it takes a lot of processing power. The fact there is an alien spaceship, 2 pyramids, a sphynx, a small village, a 'garden area', a race track, a large wind turbine farm and a ground convoy doesn't help either.

  • Exploring the Tanker 3.2 years ago

    Sorry, but I beat you too it.

  • North American AJ-1 Savage 3.2 years ago

    The little drop-down arrow next to the downloads counter has the option to update the XML of a build. You can find a build's XML in the main Jundroo folder if you're not aware. (On PC (don't know where it is on Mac or mobile), it's here: C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes)

  • Update v1.12.116 beta is live 3.2 years ago

    This is all good and all, but something about the pilot preview on the seats is off to me, mainly with the basic seat. Looking at it, either the seat is too small or the preview pilot is too big.

  • Lightning Aircraft Industries AP-29VL 'Cherosprey' 3.2 years ago


  • Misc. quality of life suggestions 3.2 years ago

    I get your point with the controller, but it can be nice to use one as you get more control out of your aircraft. For example, a controller allows you to use rudder input the same as aileron and elevator controls in mouse control mode, which can be helpful.

  • Lightning Aircraft Industries AP-29VL 'Cherosprey' 3.2 years ago

    Lol, thanks.

  • Lightning Aircraft Industries AP-29VL 'Cherosprey' 3.2 years ago


  • Lightning Aircraft Industries AP-29VL 'Cherosprey' 3.2 years ago

    Thank you. Spent over a year on this build actually. Surprised myself by that.

  • Lightning Aircraft Industries AP-29VL 'Cherosprey' 3.2 years ago

    Thank you.

  • Lightning Aircraft Industries AP-29VL 'Cherosprey' 3.2 years ago

    (People who were credited.)

  • Craft Instruction 3.2 years ago

    If you're in the designer, you just press the menu button to open up the designer menu (what you would do to leave the designer and go to the main menu). The tab
    for the Craft Instructions is there.

  • Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt ll 3.2 years ago

    You just look at it's wiki page....

  • ML-29A Regional Jet 3.2 years ago

    It is a nice build, but just to be a bit critical for a moment, the horizontal stabiliser looks far too small relative to the rest of the aircraft, so that can be improved for next time.

  • Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt ll 3.2 years ago

    The A-10C has a fuel capacity of 11,000 lb (4,990 kg) internally.

  • Vertical Curvature for text 3.2 years ago

    Ok, so I may have a way that you can somewhat get vertical curve.
    If you start a label with <rotate=90>, then use the <pos=Xpx> (changed the elevation of the letter and <voffset=X> (moves the letter side to side) commands before each letter, but after the first letter, then rotate the label with fine tuner 90 degrees, you can then sort of curve the text vertically.
    It's not perfect, it's a little complicated and you'll have to experiment, but it's a start.

  • Vertical Curvature for text 3.2 years ago

    I had the idea of if you can actually rotate the text in a label with something like FT codes whilst not physically rotating the part, you can then use like, fine tuner or something to rotate the actual part in the opposite direction so the text will be back where it was before, but with the label hit/selection box going top to bottom instead of front to back.
    Don't know if this works, but it would be cool if it does.
    (Using the side of a fuselage for this example)

  • Warning Alarms 3.2 years ago

    'Rocket lock alarm'
    (I think you mean Missile instead of Rocket)

  • ML-33-100(ML-33A)Regional Jet 3.2 years ago

    Good looking build.
    Dunno why, but looking at the side of the tail fin in the blueprint view, it looks a bit...off, yet it looks fine from like, any other angle :|

  • Su-9 (1946) 3.2 years ago

    Very nice build!

    (FYI, your bit about the 262 being the first operational jet fighter (this is just a fun fact), isn't entirely true as the Gloster Meteor entered active combat service just before the 262, which technically makes it the first operational jet fighter, though it was also less capable and less advanced then the 262.)

  • SIMPLE PLANES MOVIE - Update 3.2 years ago


  • SIMPLE PLANES MOVIE - Update 3.2 years ago

    Ok, is this actually serious or just some on-going joke?

  • Silver players can now update their airplane XML on the website 3.2 years ago

    In a sense, updating the XML of the build you can download to reflect the XML of the current version you possess will basically change the parts and such of the build other players can download.
    (Basically, you upload something, but then make a physical change to your build afterwards. Updating the XML of the uploaded build will allow players to download the build with the change you made after uploading.)

  • Sony G master 100-400 F4 lens 3.2 years ago

    A very relatable build. Great work.

  • Lighting and drop tanks/fuel nodes. 3.2 years ago

    I get your suggestions, but what has the third one got to do with Fuel probes...?

  • Medevac/Air Ambulance Challenge results! 3.2 years ago


  • Medevac/Air Ambulance Challenge results! 3.2 years ago


  • Today is my Birthday. I enter Adulthood today. 3.2 years ago

    Thank you everyone, much appreciated.

  • Today is my Birthday. I enter Adulthood today. 3.2 years ago

    Already driving. Dunno about other countries, but you can legally drive from 17 in Britain.

  • Hellkeska 3.2 years ago

    To me, the original Hellkeska more closely resembles the Panavia Tornado (ADV varient) if I'm being honest.

  • WarThunder Crash cam 3.2 years ago

    I would suggest going to one of the Discord servers (FT Labs would be best) as well.

  • WarThunder Crash cam 3.2 years ago

    Well to my knowledge, there isn't an FT code related to your aircraft crashing. If such an FT code exists, you could maybe link a mechanism to an AG that when the AG is active, switching to the camera will turn on the mechanism and do something like explode the aircraft, but I doubt that's the sort of thing you are looking for.

  • My first successful Air to air refueling 3.2 years ago

    It gets easier the more stable your aircraft is.
    (Also, I recommend spawning the tanker at a lower speed so your plane won't be as sensitive to control inputs and move as rapidly)

  • WarThunder Crash cam 3.2 years ago

    There is an option in the camera to just look at the cockpit.

  • General Dynamics-Grumman F111B with Jundroo style Cockpit 3.2 years ago

    Ok, so an Ardvark with an Su-24 cockpit section, hm...
    (Good job anyways, looks very nice.)

  • Data Scraping SP + A couple Questions about Old School Parts? 3.2 years ago

    So Wing-2 and 3 are both structural wings....?

  • Winners of the VRuilding Challenge 3.2 years ago

    Not sure exactly why, but it's most likely either because they're an SPVR Alpha tester or Curator.
    (Edit: Because they're a Curator)

  • (CLOSED) Medevac/Air Ambulance Challenge 3.2 years ago

    Go for it. You have a valid reason, so I'll accept it.

  • How to create a Label that lets me know which Targeting Mode I’m in? 3.3 years ago

    I think most of the new default military aircraft that have the display screens has this in it's cockpit, so that's somewhere to start.

  • Landing gear damage issue 3.3 years ago

    It's just something that happens with rotators and hinge rotators when they get damaged enough, like if you get shot for example.

  • What might be a solution to this problem? 3.3 years ago

    Is that just the nose wheel, rear wheels or all of them?

  • Ryan Navion 260 3.3 years ago


  • Ryan Navion 260 3.3 years ago

    How did you add the VariableOutput section to the prop in Overload?

  • So I lived a tornado 3.3 years ago

    Yeah, we do get things like Tornados and Earthquakes over here, but they are so incredibly minor that they basically don't exist as such.

  • Please help 3.3 years ago


    You take a picture of it and just upload. You get the option to upload thumbnail images when you do. I recommend taking screenshots in-game and then using the blueprint tool in the designer to have custom thumbnail images.

  • Gnat teaser 3.3 years ago

    Little tiny jet, I like it.

  • Please help 3.3 years ago

    ![](*image address/link*)

    You need to put the image on an image hosting website or on Discord.
    Also, if you use a website, sometimes the image address needs to start with something like http, without the S.
