24.0k FeatherWing Comments

  • Stepping down 2.1 years ago

    Wait....so unless I'm missing something....you got told told to step-down from a 'position', but you don't know what that position is...?


    No, it's not a Zepplin, it's an Australian Submarine.

  • What are the rules for 3D exports? 2.3 years ago

    One major no-no is to try and sell creations as models or something. All the parts in-game are created by Jundroo and are thus their property. They are under a creative-commons licence, but trying to sell SP creations is violating that licence and if I've got it right, illegal too.

  • Is There Female Players?? 3.5 years ago

    You're talking to one right here.

  • Fasten Seatbelts 3.2 years ago

    Ok, wow.
    This is most definitely a mod that should be put into the game.

  • SlewMode 3.7 years ago

    I saw "Slew Mode" and I thought of FSX Steam edition, lol.

  • Summer Clouds 2.5 years ago

    Something like this though would be pretty heavy on a mobile device.

  • Now accepting moderator applications 2.8 years ago

    It's been known for ages that it takes many goat sacrifices to please Andrew and become a Mod.

  • German Corsair VR 2.9 years ago

    You need to be around SP for a bit longer to understand this one. It's basically the biggest meme in this community.

  • This gentlemen, is how to not participate in my challenge. 3.1 years ago

    "VTOLs generally don't have burners"
    Well, the F-35B does (The B variant is the VTOL version).

  • Can we plz remove this 11 lb, 5kg minimum limit on fuselage blocks in the next update? 5.1 years ago

    I don't think I've noticed this, but now you mention it, it probably would be a good idea to remove/change it

  • Bell P-63F Kingcobra - 43-11719 2.4 years ago

    May the crew of both aircraft be at peace.
    (Also Teyvat, in reference to the notes, good luck on your journey.)

  • Rest in Peace to B-17 "Texas Raiders" and the P-63 2.4 years ago

    I had no idea there were any members of the P-39 family that were airworthy.
    Shame one is now forever gone, along with the B-17.
    An even more massive shame that lives were lost....

  • Otana's art - Thomas the tank engine, Annie, and Clarabel 2.5 years ago

    Very nice, but just a couple pointers.
    1. The opposite platform looks weird compared to the one Thomas is at, looks like its sloping upwards instead of being level.
    2. The people boarding Annie and Clarabel look too small.

    Over then that, very well done.

  • Remaster Challenge [CLOSED] 2.9 years ago

    Still working on mine...

  • Piper PA-12 2.9 years ago

    Sorry, but I'll have to disqualify this due to the part count being too low.

  • A cinematic masterpiece: Focke wulf fw190 2.9 years ago

    Neato 👍
    (Also, trailer making hurts for me since like, everyone else has powerful computers, so it actually looks nice ;-;)

  • Is there a men’s month? 3.0 years ago

    November (19th to be really exact, apparently) is International Men's day.

  • FNL2 Dolphin VTOL 3.0 years ago

    This is a cool aircraft, but I have some pointers for you regarding the website section.
    First, you shouldn't be saying "GIVE ME AN UP! Please!" in the description (or really at all) as it's actually a violation of the site rules.
    Next, not really something you need to do, but it's nice, is to give some actual info on the build other then the controls.
    And a good thing to do is to add pictures to the description.

  • Creative Commons Rules in SimplePlanes? 3.1 years ago

    I wouldn't think so as they are only images, but I'm not an expert on Jundroo's Copyright rules, so I'll let someone who knows for definite answer this properly.

  • [TEASER] Model's waterslide decal. 3.1 years ago

    Nice shark mouth.
    Also, am I the only one who still doesn't know how to use that code?

  • Please increase the difficulty of "Sam Evasion" Challenge 3.5 years ago

    Yeah, and how much power is in those afterburners.

  • 1st Jetfighter Generation 4.2 years ago

    Who knows if it will even happen, let alone soon.
    Dunno about you, but I'm a little concerned at this point :\

  • 1part Pfd ver3.0 2.0 years ago

    There's a little drop-down arrow in the description area right under the download button. Click that and there should be an option to 'Save to favourites'. You can access your favourites from your profile page.

  • How did airbus paint the A321XLR in different paint schemes? 2.4 years ago

    What's your point?
    They're two different aircraft, the top one still bears those extra livery details, the other one just doesn't.
    But both are in the same base livery, which is the Airbus house livery for the Neo line.
    AND, the first one just has image details in the 'Neo' on the tail fin. For example, if you look at the top of the 'N' on the right side, you'll see the Elizabeth Tower (or Big Ben as you'll probably know it).

  • German_corsair.mp4 2.6 years ago

    Jesus...how many german corsairs have their been now..

  • Thomas; a stupidly detailed steam train 2.7 years ago

    Yes, a gearbox on a steam locomotive, which doesn't have a gearbox.

  • The Real First SimplePlanes Trailer 2.7 years ago

    Surely it can't be. The first trailer for SimplePlanes on Jundroo's YT channel is far different then this. Plus, this has objects, like the modern prop engines and fuselage blocks that weren't there when the game first released.
    It's probably not even the first trailer for mobile SP because I remember playing SP on mobile before these items were added.

  • Are there any trans people in the SP community? 2.9 years ago

    What KDnotSpy said.

  • I didn’t fool anyone did it 3.0 years ago

    Why 'leave' SP, when you can just not play it...

  • I am no longer a dev 3.0 years ago

    Why do I fee like this was all one massive practical joke...?

  • WHICH MOD DID IT??? 3.1 years ago

    Because it goes against the site rules. As far as I'm concerned, it counts as a Sympathy/Memorial post, which are only allowed in the Forums section.
    I doubt any Mod is 'Anti-Ukraine', they're just doing what they're supposed to do.

  • Today is my Birthday. I enter Adulthood today. 3.3 years ago

    Already driving. Dunno about other countries, but you can legally drive from 17 in Britain.

  • I Am No Longer A Moderator 3.6 years ago

    Just as a thing for those being touchy on the fact it was 'just a joke', it depends on the context in my view. I don't really know what the joke was exactly, yes, but still, just don't make jokes on tragedies.
    (Correct me if I'm wrong anywhere in this.)

  • Engine Heat Haze | SimplePlanes Mod 4.2 years ago

    Bruh, Jundroo really should hire the people who make these things at this point as Devs.

  • Military Trainer Challenge (CLOSED) 1.2 years ago

    Yes, I do state in the rules and regulations you can make your entry fictional or a replica.

  • FA-10 Thundercat 2.1 years ago

    So cursed.
    But why the four engines..

  • EF2000 -Rot- 2.4 years ago

    Nice looking build, but a couple pointers.
    - First, that thumbnail is just a bit too bright. Some sort of vignette of light on it. I would take that off so it doesn't look like there's a light-filled haze around the build.
    - Second, some more pictures.
    - Third, I'm sort of doubting if Trim is the only control, excluding the basic ones. IF it is, fine. If not, list the others.
    Other then that, all good.

  • QUEEN LIZ! 2.6 years ago

    And asteroidbook, I know Britain's Monarch doesn't work off age, it's more complicated.

  • Otana Art - A-10 Lightingbolt Warthog 2.6 years ago

    Here's a tip for you.
    If you're using the SP logo, try copying the logo on the website (top-left as you probably know). That's a transparent PNG image.

  • SP Airport Lights 2.6 years ago

    Just download it, then double click to open. Doing so will automatically open SP and it will bring up the Mods menu, where you can enable the mod.

  • Technoblade s Crown 2.7 years ago

    Didn't really see much of him, but R.I.P anyhow.
    (Also, no offense at all, but don't be surprised if this gets taken down.)

  • Steel Commanders [Teaser] 2.8 years ago

    Can I do the thing?

  • (CLOSED) Arctic Aircraft Challenge 2.9 years ago

    Requested tags:

  • EVERYONE LISTEN UP 2.9 years ago

    I would, if I could. I live in Britain though.

  • Waking up in the morning be like 2.9 years ago

    Holy s**t

  • I became Platin 3.0 years ago

    I see you've sacrificed enough goats.

  • Sad to see you go 3.1 years ago

    My questions is, why?
    What are the Russians getting out of destroying it....

  • [Teaser #2] This bird has teeth in the front AND back. 3.2 years ago

    I do try to do that.

  • Cannons dont work as an AtA weapon- 3.2 years ago

    The solution is to keep collisions on the cannon and disable collisions on everything around the cannon or what the cannon is attached to/clipping though.
