The first thing I did, accidentally hit the warp drive and immediately slammed into a mountain. Turns out that didn't agree with the new warp core, which kinda....exploded.
This looks awesome! It would fit in well with a Dominion War Federation fleet any day. It flies almost exactly like the Adamant, but packs the additional Photons and has a more manageable warp drive acceleration...except when mountains are in your flight path.
@Cereal @DeadlyDialga I did a bit of research on the different iterations of Snowpiercer, and it looks like a chicken and the egg scenario. This almost perfectly matches the original 1982 graphic novel's color scheme, but not the boxy shape. I can also see the similarities between this and the 2013 film and 2020 series.
@Micmekox Fun Fact, Subnautica's map is only 2.5 x 2.5 kilometers, it just has a lot of vertical space to explore. This creature can have its head on one end of the map, and its tail at the other, crater edge to crater edge.
@AEGIS There are 2 firing modes. First, activate Action Group 1 (this opens the firing chamber and allows the weapons to fire), then select a targeting type (Air to Air activates a blue beam weapon, Air to Ground activates a big explosive weapon), then HOLD down the fire button for around 15 seconds.
As of October 1st 2021, the new update kind of breaks MP. Someone with the beta can log in, send/receive messages, and fly around, but they will not see anyone else's plane load in, even if the other person has the beta.
@Kimfri From my experience, 1 VTOL Engine will power all VTOL thrusters, you can have some thrusters set to pitch, some to roll, or yaw, and they will all be powered. You can add more VTOL engines with different power settings to change the power output of the thrusters, but you cannot have different engines power a set of thrusters
@Homemade1 Yes, it does trigger in multiplayer, but its rather... wonky. Sometimes one person will trigger it and it will stay put on someone else's screen. Sometimes it will not trigger for you, but will activate for others.
@xXLouisPlayzXx Can confirm this is also true for Wright Airport in-game. Try flying parallel to the runway. Pause when the Garg's nose is at the end of the runway, then switch to the tail camera.
@DISHWASHER2005 This is pretty much the same build, just with a reworked sentinel beam, and the floaty bits move up and down when you move the VTOL slider.
@TheEpicTrains3rdAccount I tried to get the legs to move separately, but the code made things quite wonky. I would say a marching band is better than the funky trees nightmare I created.
@RishantYT747fan Sorry for the late reply. If you are on mobile, you can add a minigun or wing gun for the jump function, and a cannon or missile for the whistles.
@IceCraftGaming Parts are normally at a scale of 1,1,1. With Overload, you can change the scale to -1 to mirror certain parts. It has some weird effects with fuselage parts, though.
@Spacepickle3214 Believe it or not, I've read comments of people running the Garg on phones. The only reason why MP hates it is the moving parts, and the sheer size.
@WhoflerMan Believe it or not, I watched YouTube footage of the Return of the Ancients mod, which adds the garg to Subnautica, then made this move in a similar way. Also, Thanks
All this needs is a creepy face on the side that is always watching...
+8@FREEDOMFOX is down for me as well, but is online
+3The first thing I did, accidentally hit the warp drive and immediately slammed into a mountain. Turns out that didn't agree with the new warp core, which kinda....exploded.
This looks awesome! It would fit in well with a Dominion War Federation fleet any day. It flies almost exactly like the Adamant, but packs the additional Photons and has a more manageable warp drive acceleration...except when mountains are in your flight path.
+3@SyntheticL I built a Miranda Class from the Adamant I uploaded a few days ago. It still needs a few final touches before it is ready for upload.
+3@Cereal @DeadlyDialga I did a bit of research on the different iterations of Snowpiercer, and it looks like a chicken and the egg scenario. This almost perfectly matches the original 1982 graphic novel's color scheme, but not the boxy shape. I can also see the similarities between this and the 2013 film and 2020 series.
+2@TheTomatoLover Makes sense, these were built to fight the flood.
+2As of 5:20 PM Eastern Time, on October 21st, is still offline. I also tested a few other IP addresses, and none of them work either.
+2@Freerider2142 Nope, I didn't need to sleep anyway.
+2This definitely looks, and feels, like a heavy anti aircraft gun. A bit like a turbolaser from Star Wars.
10 out of 10, would bring the pain again.
+2Can confirm, both and are still offline. Could be an internal error within the servers or they were both shut down.
+2@Micmekox Fun Fact, Subnautica's map is only 2.5 x 2.5 kilometers, it just has a lot of vertical space to explore. This creature can have its head on one end of the map, and its tail at the other, crater edge to crater edge.
+2@AEGIS There are 2 firing modes. First, activate Action Group 1 (this opens the firing chamber and allows the weapons to fire), then select a targeting type (Air to Air activates a blue beam weapon, Air to Ground activates a big explosive weapon), then HOLD down the fire button for around 15 seconds.
+2@Rocketguy2079 The first time I spawned this in multiplayer, everyone got a wasp and tried to recreate that scene.
+2@HTTPCREATION1O2 Done, and the same for the Adamant.
+2As of October 1st 2021, the new update kind of breaks MP. Someone with the beta can log in, send/receive messages, and fly around, but they will not see anyone else's plane load in, even if the other person has the beta.
+2@Kimfri From my experience, 1 VTOL Engine will power all VTOL thrusters, you can have some thrusters set to pitch, some to roll, or yaw, and they will all be powered. You can add more VTOL engines with different power settings to change the power output of the thrusters, but you cannot have different engines power a set of thrusters
+2Try the server (this is the main public server), or (This is for public events or if the main server goes down)
+2@Homemade1 Yes, it does trigger in multiplayer, but its rather... wonky. Sometimes one person will trigger it and it will stay put on someone else's screen. Sometimes it will not trigger for you, but will activate for others.
+2@xXLouisPlayzXx Can confirm this is also true for Wright Airport in-game. Try flying parallel to the runway. Pause when the Garg's nose is at the end of the runway, then switch to the tail camera.
+1@T8flight For reference, This is what the Mud Bogger is based on.
+1@Kerbango The fact that is a physical prop is insane. It also looks like a fun idea to build.
+1@DISHWASHER2005 This is pretty much the same build, just with a reworked sentinel beam, and the floaty bits move up and down when you move the VTOL slider.
+1@Ninja451 That's because it is
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Do you mean the Covenant's Plasma Battery? That's the only search I got a relevant result for.
+1@Ksweetgifts I recently installed a mod for Halo Wars, it has given me a few ideas......
+1I literally just posted something that would've been perfect for this. Might build something else for this challenge.
+1@Embruher I have a few ideas for more trek ships, and I'll look into those pre-federation designs as well.
+1Looks a bit like the XB-70, but with 4 engines.
+1@Checkcola Adding a wing gun or minigun will make the FireGuns button show up on mobile. The same control also does a stomp when in ground mode.
+1I remember this, and still have that custom painted car.
+1I really like this.
+1@Kerbango Are updates of old designs allowed? If not, I still have another design I can enter.
+1@TheTomatoLover Why do I have a sudden craving for tapioca pudding, and a sudden urge to scream at kids to get off my lawn?
+1@TheFlightGuySP Thanks
+1I remember seeing this in multiplayer
+1@SimpleplanesJP11 I was only able to land because I hit the hill behind the airport, but it was fun.
+1@TheEpicTrains3rdAccount I tried to get the legs to move separately, but the code made things quite wonky. I would say a marching band is better than the funky trees nightmare I created.
+1@RishantYT747fan Sorry for the late reply. If you are on mobile, you can add a minigun or wing gun for the jump function, and a cannon or missile for the whistles.
+1@IceCraftGaming Parts are normally at a scale of 1,1,1. With Overload, you can change the scale to -1 to mirror certain parts. It has some weird effects with fuselage parts, though.
+1Awesome...just Awesome
+1@ShinyGemsBro Yep, I remember this vehicle.
+1@Griffon1 Thanks
+1@Spacepickle3214 Believe it or not, I've read comments of people running the Garg on phones. The only reason why MP hates it is the moving parts, and the sheer size.
+1@DeadlyDialga If I remember correctly, it was a flying eastern style dragon.
+1@IceCraftGaming Thanks!
+1@Quartz05 Can confirm, is operational.
+1@IceCraftGaming @HuskyDynamics01 @DISHWASHER2005 Me who is the creator of the build and is unable to upvote or spotlight.
Upvotes Comments Instead
+1@BuccaneerPickle2 Gamer590987 had the same problem, they placed a minigun floating in the designer, then the mouth worked.
+1@WhoflerMan Believe it or not, I watched YouTube footage of the Return of the Ancients mod, which adds the garg to Subnautica, then made this move in a similar way. Also, Thanks
+1@YamatoHotel Removing drag and mass calculations makes the game run faster, also, that's adorable.