16.5k edensk Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.6 years ago

    If "half" hollow fuselage blocks are added, an opacity setting would be very useful aesthetically for creating canopies

  • Untitled 4.6 years ago

    thanks for reposting the rules, I had forgotten where to find them

  • What does smooth and clamp do in foonkytree? 4.8 years ago

    clamp(x , min, max) basically limits the x.
    If you have clamp(Pitch , -0.5, 0.7), the value it will output won't be lower than -0.5 or higher than 0.7
    clamp01(x) is the abbreviation for clamp(x , 0, 1)

    smooth(x , rate) goes from 0 to x at a specific rate. The rate is the "units" per second.
    smooth(1, 0.5) will go from 0 to 1 at the rate of 0.5 per second, so it will take 2 seconds to get there.

  • SP needs more trees 4.9 years ago

    Some actual funky trees.

  • A380-841 Singapore Airlines [SQ] 9V-SKV 5.0 years ago

    I'm just gonna be honest, and I apologize in advance.
    The looks are awesome, specially considering it took you 3 days to make it and you built it on Android, but...
    - The rudder is inverted.
    - The yokes turn in oppsite directions when rolling.
    - The roll rate is incredibly slow.
    - The control surfaces' deflection angles are quite exaggerated, tbh.
    And many other things like the wobbling/screeching landing gear (which can be fixed by lowering forwards traction of the wheels.), the unrealistic acceleration (fixed by having a pretty small amount of drag (use parts with disabled drag when building)....
    You could have fixed some of this things, like the inverted rudder, very easily.
    I just say this so you can improve and avoid making such mistakes in your future builds.
    Anyways, nice looking plane, but you could have spent more time on the functionality.
    Ps. I'm quite surprised that nobody mentioned any downside of this nice looking build.

  • Pray for my PC. 5.3 years ago

    plug it in

  • SimplePlanes - Player Content Feature #3 3.7 years ago

    my hun is in the intro but not in the actual video lol

  • Hello 5.2 years ago


  • M.Corp ACV-1 Bullfrog 5.6 years ago

    How to create this kind of wing:

    Have the leading edge block taper towards the tip;

    Adjust the triangle block so that its front side is as tall as the wing should be thick at root and be zero units wide. Rear side should be as tall as the wing tip is thick and as wide as the wing is long;

    Place front end of the triangle block onto the leading edge block so that it points forward, and align the point with the root;

    Adjust "run" and "length" of the triangle block to fit the leading edge block;

    Add custom control surfaces to the rear of the triangle block on rotators;


    I have added another block to the rear of the triangle block to get a smoother airfoil. That is recommended but not mandatory. Fuselage inlets flipped onto their sides are recommended for custom surfaces in order to give you trailing edge sweep by editing inlet angle.

  • Why can't I get the trim slider to show up? 3.3 years ago

    You gotta hide a rotator with Trim input somewhere. Set it to floppy so it doesn't bother

  • F-16A Trailer [BETA] 3.4 years ago

    accurate automatic flaps (leading edge flaps too) logic or no upvote)))

  • About SpVR 3.5 years ago

    what's the point of making spvr compatible with non-vr users? it literally has no more content than the regular SP

  • parachute delay 4.1 years ago

    x is the delay, change Activate1 for whatever AG it is, put the input in the activation group field

  • Desperately Needed Fix to the Undo Button 4.9 years ago

    What if the undo button undid iself?

  • Apple logo 5.0 years ago

    "Created on Android"

  • More Colors 4.0 years ago

    @Chancey21 If you open the xml file of your craft, at the end there will be a list with all the current colours. In overload they are represented by the "material" property. each colour corresponds to a number, starting from 0, so you can extend the list with more colours, take their material numbers, and change a part's material number to whichever you want. Only disadvantage is that you can only do it manually part by part, so I suggest you leave this for details or for things you haven't built yet (so that you can clone the initial part)

  • Missile warning beacon lights? 4.8 years ago

    Stall warning:

    (GS > 0.1)*(-AngleOfAttack > a)*(AltitudeAgl > b)
    a is the AoA at which the stall occurs
    b is the altitude in meters above terrain at which the aircraft no longer touches the ground (you can try with 2)

    Altitude warning:

    (AltitudeAgl > a)*(AltitudeAgl < b)*(rate(AltitudeAgl) > 1)
    a is the altitude above terrain in meters at which the aircraft no longer touches the ground (you can try with 2)
    b is the altitude above terrain in meters below which the warning will work
    1 is the climbrate in m/s above which the warning won't work (to make it not work during take-off)

  • How to make a throttleable rotator for custom propellers or rotors 4.9 years ago

    I haven't messed with the sum() function yet, but isn't the +sum(0) part kinda useless?

  • Combat Update? 5.1 years ago

    What I think:
    FYI, what chaff countermeasures do irl is actually distract radar guided missiles, since they're clouds of metal shrapnels that reflect radar signals.
    So it's not unrealistic that they "distract" radar guided missiles.
    It would be cool to have a bit more realism and/or customization options, but I think this game is mainly meant for fun, not full realism.

    "This isn't really a request cause tbh its just a side project to an indie game (SR2)."

    Uhhhh, did you know that SR2 came way later than SP?
    Regarding some of the suggestions:
    - Multiplayer...
    Only computers can run it fine, and there's already a mod that every computer user can download, but it would be nice if it was implemented ingame and improved.
    - Procedural stuff:
    If you want it so much just play SR2 or make it yourself, lol.
    - Decals, camos, effects... :
    Stuff that would be nice to see but would reduce the game's performance on less powerful devices.
    - Scale issue:
    1 IRL metre equals 2 Fuselage block units, just use that to make vehicles to a correct scale.
    And why would you even use stock planes, tbh, lol.
    Sorry if this might have sounded rude, but it's just my opinion.

  • We need maywar for mobile 3.4 years ago

    and then you guys want mobile friendly builds bruh

  • Secrets of SP Aerofoils unlocked (in more detail) 3.5 years ago

    The exact stall or maximum lift angles are 13.5, 16.5 and 27.5
    And the maximum lift coefficients I found out were 1.38, 1.5, and 1.95 respectively. I used 1.225 Kg/m^3 as density at sea level though, so my results are slightly different

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.5 years ago

    Not sure if suggested already, but adding funky tree variables for head postition would allow the creation of usable gunsights (not ironsights) and headmounted cueing systems for SPVR

  • SU-57 'Felon' 3.6 years ago

    The G-limiter seems to be very ineffective lol

  • I don't know if Im right Or wrong but 3.7 years ago

    I've never gotten any points from people following me and I doubt it ever was a thing

  • he smol 3.8 years ago


  • cow blueprint 4.0 years ago

    panel it

  • Useful FT codes 4.0 years ago

    might wanna put the first one in bold instead of `` to fix the problem with comparison characters

  • How do you get featured? 4.1 years ago

    if it's a very high quality build, make at least one teaser and upload at a good time, it's probably gonna be successful

  • Nissan 350Z template 4.3 years ago

    oh yes, I have an rc version of this sexy car

  • Mobile users recording videos lol 4.3 years ago

    you forgot the 10 fps

  • funky trees request 4.7 years ago

    put this code in activation group in overload:
    IAS < 96.561
    Another way is putting this in input/inputId:
    IAS < 96.561 ? Pitch : 0
    The speed has to be in meters per second and you can use TAS or GS instead of IAS.
    For the second one you can use anything instead of Pitch, like Roll, Yaw...

  • Missile warning beacon lights? 4.8 years ago

    (GS > 0.1)*(round(-AngleOfAttack) > 7)*(AltitudeAgl > 1.91)
    for stall
    gtg now

  • How do I change flare launch time 4.8 years ago


  • Boeing-Saab T-X 5.0 years ago

    Beautiful plane, but you should have disabled collisions for all moving parts since the sound is really annoying and the landing gear explodes when retracted.

  • What's the most annoying thing you experience when building a plane? 5.5 years ago

    changing the blueprint offset values in designer suite and accidentally deleting half the plane.

  • Is this too long for craft instructions? 3.1 years ago

    Use less words, most people won't read paragraphs of such size

  • Cant open .splane files anymore 3.2 years ago

    you can also copy the link and press Ctrl+L in the designer to download builds, it's much easier

  • Help... 3.3 years ago

    imagine pirating a game that's less than 3 bucks during sales

  • are F-22 is an PSM? 3.3 years ago

    Post stall maneuvering basically consists in having some degree of control after stall, and the only definition I could find is made by the ace combat community so yeah... I'll go by that.
    The hornets can technically do post stall maneuvers. The legacy hornet stalls at 35° AoA, but remains quite controllable up to about 55°.
    You don't need TVC to maneuver in a stalled condition, other examples of this are some flankers and the MiG-29.
    The raptor is even more capable, as it has pitch TVC and probably differential thrust as well.
    @Kangy :
    There are many videos of F-22s performing PSMs like the falling leaf, go take a look.
    @ZeroWithSlashedO is mostly right, extreme sideslip (thus stalling the tail fin(s) ) is also considered a PSM, though I personally think uncontrollable flat spins aren't. And last but not least, the term "breaking aoa" doesn't exist, it's stalling or exceeding critical aoa

  • List of Useful Formulas and Terms 3.6 years ago

    first one can be simplified to clamp01(Activate1)

  • what does inverselerp mean? 3.7 years ago

    @Formula350 idk, you could use Yaw*inverselerp(10,0,GS) so that a steering wheel gradually turns less as speed increases

  • Most realistic U-2 Dragon Lady 3.8 years ago

    I'm pretty sure the U-2 doesn't go mach 2 or accelerate when pointing straight up, so giving this post the name you did is a large stretch.
    I gotta say some small things are quite good, though, like the support gear

  • J-10 EX 3.9 years ago

    @UAviator Are you sure? They look very different both externally and in shape, although they both look surprisingly like afterburning turbojet engine nozzles. Totally not as if most modern nozzles of this kind of engine were similar in design.
    Chinese engineers might have taken inspiration from or even copied some foreign designs, but this is definitely not the case

  • J-10 EX 3.9 years ago

    this is an average replica with a huge part count and flies just as I expected, in future builds I recommend you try putting all this effort into the shape and functionality instead of throwing thousands of parts into details. Just my thoughts

  • Condor Aviation Kite FGR.3 4.1 years ago

    The aesthetic rudder is inverted

  • Me-262 Cinematic! 4.2 years ago

    looks pretty good, but lacks actual action (not just flying around, shooting at nothing, and dropping bombs on the ground). I'd like to see aerial combat, take-offs, landings, ground attacks...

  • My first legitimate modern fighter-- F/A-18E 4.2 years ago

    It's looking quite good, but here are a couple of important inaccuracies I noticed:
    - You took the leading edge extensions, slats and airbrake (as 2papi2chulo already mentioned) of the legacy hornet
    - The small tubes between the vertical stabilizers are a bit too big and too high

    here's a comparison which will you help a lot
    looking forward to the release!

  • Lockheed F-104G Starfighter 4.2 years ago

    @SavageMan A very interesting characteristic of the 104 was that it wasn't stall-limited, but pitch-limited, it would only be able to stall when flaps were down or at a very low airspeed. Also, the ailerons maximum angle was 20 degrees with gear down and 9.75 degrees with gear up, which might explain the low roll rate at slow speed. The rudder also helps a lot with rollrate though.
    Looking forward to see yours!

  • Custom Landing Gear? 4.4 years ago

    floor(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear), 1/a)) delays input when activated, ceil(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear), 1/a)) does it when deactivated, a is the delay in seconds
