15.5k Kangy Comments

  • Lego Nissan 350Z 4.1 years ago

    Doot doot here comes the updoot...

  • "The missile with a man in it." 4.2 years ago

    It's not an F-104. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

  • Guide: Ray Tracing 4.2 years ago

    That is amazing, at this rate ray tracing is gonna take years to come to mobile devices lol.

  • Boeing 737 MAX 8 4.2 years ago

    Eco friendly for it’s own reasons...

  • Time for Business 4.2 years ago

    Note upvote to be tagged might be a bad thing now off memory.

  • Plane want to D A N C E 4.3 years ago

    Plane: Dancing
    In-game Music: I'll wait until you're done

  • riding the wave 4.3 years ago

    Not enough missles compared to Ace combat 4/10

  • A-9C CONTENDER 4.4 years ago

    This design is amazing, like an A-10 with a turboprop!

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 4.4 years ago

    @Iamcat @Trijets
    Imagine how many it could have if people who downloaded it liked it. Makes me kinda sad how small yet large this community is.

  • I’m so depressed from school bullies 4.4 years ago

    @marcox43 I'd scratch option 1, it only would cause more problems, Thanks for the compliment by the way, good to see you're a man of culture mate :)

  • I’m so depressed from school bullies 4.4 years ago

    @Zeezar2666 Hey bud, Just let em be, chances are they've got stuff going on in their lives too, If they bug you, ignore em, they're only tryna' drain your energy to fill up theirs, Don't worry about em, I know you may have a low pitched voice, but it's bloody normal, If they have a weakness find it, example they may have an odd look, just point it out and tell em to bugger off. I've had a lot of trouble, and my last resort is to go to the teachers, sure you might be called a wimp but who gives a damn? Tell the teachers and they'll sort it out if they're half decent, If you want anything more let me know ;)

  • Magic school bus 4.4 years ago

    Legend has it this wasn't a normal field trip

  • SimplePlanes - Player Content Feature #1 4.5 years ago

    Pretty cool idea, I like this kind of video, just something weekly to sum up best builds of the week.

  • J-10 CX 4.5 years ago

    Terribly basic flight model. You can improve this in my opinion.

  • This build needs more love. 4.5 years ago

    I used to like this place...

  • Mirage F-1 in "1" part 4.5 years ago

    This is pure intellectual...

  • Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21F-13 4.5 years ago

    Outstanding. Best MiG-21F-13 on the site easily.

  • J-35D Draken 4.5 years ago

    Very cool, although I would’ve loved the addition of custom control surfaces

  • P-51 Mustang 2.0 4.5 years ago

    Ah, no wonder they wanted to make a twin mustang, they look beautiful!

  • F-86 Sabre Republic of China (With Ejection Seat) 4.5 years ago

    Love this build, I have made respect for you, making lovely replicas of amazing aircraft at a nice part count, and from your home country! Amazing like always.

  • FMA IA-58 Pucará Turbo 4.9 years ago

    Wait ur telling one of These did this?

  • Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress V0.0 5.2 years ago

    May those onboard of Nine O Nine Rest In Peace, and those who survived able to move on.

  • BAE Hawk 127 5.4 years ago

    I love the hawk, at Avalon 2019 I saw one fly at over 1000kmh which is 100% throttle, or as pilots call it balls to the wall (why though) @mikoyanster

  • BAE Hawk 127 5.4 years ago

    I live in Australia so I know that the Phantom was too expensive for our airforces however we did have aircraft which fought along side them, f-111C and G Aardvark and the Hornet or as we and some other countries call it The ‘Classic’@A3

  • [Question] how did you guys come up with your sp account's username? 2 days ago

    Was previously called Alta but I’m Australian and that’s my one defining feature apparently hence my name

  • What's Coming in the First Update to THE ITEMS!!!! 2 months ago

    singular person DESTROYS 10 year old map with mod in mere months

  • VR-100 Challenge 6 months ago

    @Boeing727200F winswings won’t do that lol

  • My Thoughts About SimplePlanes 2 7 months ago

    this aged so damn well holy crap

  • Happy Easter 8 months ago

    hapy eater

  • Mustang MK.IV 10 months ago

    pretty neat, no scoop detail tho so you can see straight through it which is kinda

  • community updates? 11 months ago

    I'd seriously love if Jundroo did this - it means mobile isn't completely left out of the picture which is great for the community
    Of course a good dev is a lazy dev so this probs won't happen.
    Very happy to be proven wrong though :)

  • Fly Out - will it be a SP killer? one year ago

    fly out building is piss easy
    but sp’s building is hard
    sp is easy to run and access with mobile versions
    fly out is harder to run and has no access on top of being in EA so a lot is missing.

    SP is great if you give it time. Like anything you can’t rush it and expect results

  • Sky Park City In ROBLOX???? 1.1 years ago

    life is roblox

  • Go-Kart v1 1.2 years ago

    banana for scale

  • arwing flight system test 1.2 years ago


  • Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube 1.2 years ago

    ok this is cool.

  • Can people stop tagging me on builds purely if I upvote a teaser 1.2 years ago

    This oh my god
    If I like what you make I’ll follow you
    If I ever want a tag on a build I’ll make it clear

  • v1.12.200 beta is now available 1.3 years ago

    Not a bug, and I am well aware of the horde below me. But I think this will help a lot with props. pitchAngle for props should be an output variable that can be tracked. This would be of great assistance because right now, if a prop is in auto mode you have no idea what angle the blades are, which makes it hard to make variable angle props which are present on many aircraft.
    This one little detail would make props much easier to work with, as everything about them is weird.
    Also if they (props) could rotate with their base, so that things like starter motors can be made realistic.
    That is all I have
    Also yeah the bug regarding rotational inertia is a real killer. A lot of builds don’t work now.

    Thank you Jundroo for all the years. Played since ~ a week after iOS launch on my iPad 4 and the game has always remained a part of my life ever since.
    And yes it will continue to be in the foreseeable future

  • Fix the map mods, will you 1.3 years ago

    it’s more of an sp problem rather than the maps
    sp uses unity’s stock tyre model which is understandable but for years it’s been outdated as hell.
    demonstration vid, sp’s model is on the right, what would be nicer is on the left

  • Southwest Boeing 737-3T0 1.3 years ago

    i juts came bjac to looj at tjis buil abd foud out it ISNT CARBOR🤬🤬🤬🤬
    i an VERY AGRY @bacongeggs for tjis
    infat i am coojing bacon egg so hard rigt now

  • Does Maus have a stabilizer? 1.3 years ago

    no, it’s so slow and heavy that it practically never needed one. If it had one then the effectiveness of the maus would be further diminished

  • Possibly retiring from SP 1.3 years ago

    I don’t think flyout is better for now at least.
    It’s a different premise to SP, sure you build aircraft but it’s still in closed beta. Flyout does have a better building system, and is a bit more handheld in gameplay and building.

  • 2 seater question 1.3 years ago

    ok my two little things:
    numero uno: IHADSS is Integrated Helmet And Display Sighting System, (you speld it wrog rexagon!!!)
    numero dos: i think your 2st option is good, if you scrape the bottom of the barrel you could make a funky tree gunner i guess
    i would make it so you can fly from the pilot seat rather than split into two but that's becaus im stipdufd an NOT helisopter

  • In your opinion, Whats the BEST VR plane on the site? 1.4 years ago

    @Red920 oh no i don't mean that it's just i'm pointing out the fact that people are using this post to give a plug to their builds.

  • Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat 1.4 years ago

    @AntonWings absolutely agreed.
    I can promise you this, as you become more and more experienced with SimplePlanes you’ll start to find ways to use less parts to achieve a desired output.
    There’s so many great techniques used here and I love seeing it.
    I flew it recently and the flight model isn’t great in terms of replication - it feels more arcade like. Though if this is preferred then that’s fine. It’s your build that you’re sharing with us.

  • Northrop N9M 1.4 years ago

    a witn tgath fies?1!!!1!! thatd isan pogus you ar so poggig rigt niw

  • Question about air brakes 1.5 years ago

    @ToeTips domain restriction of output from an input’s values

  • Mitsubishi J2M3 Raiden 1.5 years ago

    @100 yeah old hydraulic systems weren't as efficient as modern systems
    even aircraft nowadays still have inefficiencies with their hydraulics
    we're human, nothing is perfect!

  • Plane Builders: Do you prefer Arcade or Sim and why? 1.6 years ago

    Sim. Arcade just feels gross and boring.
    Here’s my reasoning
    What is ace combat known for? Lore and enticing fast paced gameplay
    What are flight simulators like DCS or IL2 known for? Life like realism, slow paced but rewarding gameplay
    With this in mind I don’t have a zoomer brain so there’s that I guess

  • Korean War Specifications Challenge! [CLOSED] 1.6 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT k awesome ty lol
